Now is the time!

Now is the time!

This year of 2022 is almost over.  This Holiday Season is almost over.  All the festivities, all the excitement, all the gifts, all the holiday-travel, etc. … it’s almost over. 

Hubby and I were at Costco this past month doing some Christmas shopping and we stopped by the coffee isle to see if there were any boxes Apple Cider available.  There were!  The Holiday Season is the only time of year when our Costco carries boxes of Apple Cider … so we stocked up!  We had to get our year’s supply of Apple Cider now … or else the opportunity would be gone! 

All the icy weather … it’s almost over.  All the snow … it’s almost gone. 

The Christmas Season, when we celebrate the coming of Jesus to earth … to open up the way to Heaven … it’s almost over. 

I can’t help but think of the verse:   “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”  – 2 Corinthians 6:2 

“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”   – Hebrews 3:7-8 

“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”  – Psalm 95:7-8 

Jesus came … that’s why we celebrate Christmas. 

Jesus came to open up the way to Heaven.  But the window of opportunity is limited.  Just like the boxes of Apple Cider at Costco.  If we don’t get it now … it’s gone.  The same thing is true when it comes to God’s offer of salvation. 

God is offering salvation to each person.  A free gift!   Jesus is the gift of Christmas.  If we accept Jesus’s free gift of salvation, we can have our sins forgiven.  We can have access to Heaven.  We can have a personal relationship with God! 

But the window of opportunity is limited. 

Now is the time!  Today is the day to accept God’s gift of salvation.