November joys … planting tiny trees at my son’s house!

November joys … planting tiny trees at my son’s house!

Last Saturday hubby and I went over to our son’s house to hang out together and help with a few house fix-it projects.  

While hubby and my son were crawling around in the attic fixing bathroom ventilation fans, I had the delightful task of planting tiny little arborvitae trees along the fence.    Aren’t they the cutest little things.  

And here you can see them all planted in their new home.    I sure hope they do well and grow beautifully!  

It is so much fun to get to go over to our son’s house and be able to participate in his life!    The rest of the evening we enjoyed having dinner together  (once again, I just have to say it’s terrific fun to be invited over to your kids’ house for dinner!!)  …  we watched old home videos together (and laughed a lot!)  …  and we got to go hot-tubbing!    How cool is that!  

The hot-tub was an added perk which came along with the house.    It was such an incredibly fun experience to relax in the warm bubbling water while star-gazing!    We watched airplanes flying high overhead  …  my son pointed out a satellite drifting across  …  my son pointed out several constellations  …  and the north star!    It was so much fun!  

Gazing up at the vast expanse of the night sky, and all those far-away tiny little dots of light  …  which are, in reality, enormous blazing fiery gas balls, or perhaps planets  …  it makes you feel very small and tiny before your great Creator and Maker …  God. 

It was such a special experience!    And I was overwhelmed with immense gratitude for the amazing blessings God has given me!  

Thank you God for November joys!    Thank you for fun times hanging out together with our son!    Thank you for the joy of planting tiny trees!    Thank you for the joy of a delicious dinner together, which our son prepared!    Thank you for the joy of hilarious home videos!    And thank you for the joy of star-gazing while hot-tubbing!  

Thank you God for so many joys in life!!