November joys … Christmas trees!

November joys … Christmas trees!

Hubby and I have been in search of lodgepole pine trees.    But most garden nurseries in our area do not carry local/native plants.    Crazy, isn’t it!   

However, last weekend we discovered the quaintest little garden nursey about 30 min. away, which just so happened to have lodgepole pines!    The owners have been landscapers for years  …  and they just recently took ownership of this little garden nursery.    Their express goal is to carry local/native plants.    I think that’s awesome!    Hubby and I had the nicest conversation with them as they helped us purchase and load our lodgepole pines.  

We bought their entire stock!   

Delighted, we drove home with our 7 lodgepole pine trees!    It felt like we had scored big!  

Aren’t they adorable!  

I wanted to set aside one of the little pines to bring inside as our Christmas tree this year!    Wouldn’t it just be the perfect Christmas tree … with a sparkling strand of white twinkle lights!  

But as we began planting our trees, we discovered that the roots were soaking wet, and for the health of the trees, they all needed to go in the ground.    So we planted them all!  

Nevertheless, I still consider them our “Christmas trees” this year!  

One of the little “Christmas pine trees” we planted directly out from my kitchen window, where I can see it every time I stand at the kitchen sink to do dishes.    (I think I’ll decorate it with a few Christmas ornaments  –  wouldn’t that be festive!   Maybe a red Christmas ball ornament  …  like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.  Ha!)  

Two of the little “Christmas pine trees” we planted along the edge of the forest,  where I walk my loops for exercise each day.   (I’m considering hanging a few Christmas ornaments on them as well!)  

As hubby was digging the hole for one of our little “Christmas pine trees” in this particular section, he happened to notice my hand-pruners lying on the ground right next to where he was digging.  

Hand-pruners which I had lost this past Spring!  

Hand-pruners which I have searched and searched and searched for!!  

And there they lay  …  in plain sight!    Right there where we were getting ready to plant our “Christmas pine tree.”  

Blessings in the dirt!    God’s hidden surprises  …  hidden in plain sight!   

Thank you God for giving me back my lost hand-pruners!  

(Can you spot my lost hand-pruners, hidden in plain sight, in this photo?)  

Thank you God for “Christmas pine trees”!  

And thank you God for hidden surprises when we least expect it!