Night vs Light Fight

Night vs Light  Fight

June has arrived …
when the days are the longest.
Daylight starts breaking,
when my snoring’s the strongest.

I’m snuggly and cozy …
dozing in my bed.
Then the growing daylight
starts messing with my head.

Bit by bit,
I am pulled from my dreams,
to see daylight creeping in
through my curtain seams.

It’s creeping between
the slats in the blinds.
It’s creeping around
my black-out curtain’s sides.

I’m greatly annoyed
to be awakened this way!
There’s still 2 more hours
before I need to start my day.

Action must be taken
to block out the light!
Masking tape will hold
the curtain sides tight.

The sides of the curtain,
I tape to the wall!
Maybe now I can get
some sleep after-all.

But no … bright and early,
at 4am,
growing daylight
starts creeping in!

It’s coming in over the top
of my curtain rod!
No matter how hard I try,
I can’t doze or nod.

I gather several towels
and lay them across the top.
This daylight coming in
simply must stop!

But alas, there’s a gap
where the curtain panels meet.
I use four clothespins,
this challenge to beat!

Bleary, I eventually
rouse from my bed,
expecting full sun …
but … it’s cloudy instead.

How can the daylight
creep in this way?? …
even when all the world
is cloudy and grey.

It’s amazing how a gentle,
growing of light
can be so effective
at dispelling the night.

There’s no fanfare or flashes;
no spectacular scenes.
Just soft light growing …
pulling me from my dreams.

In these current times
of unrest and fights,
it’s a lot like my struggle
between night and light.

So many people
are asleep in the dark.
They don’t want the Light
to awaken their heart.

Yet the Light of the World
is shining in through the seams,
awakening people
from their darkness and dreams.

They don’t want the Light
Not in their place!!
They hide in their covers
and bury their face!

They try masking tape …
to seal every side.
Yet the Light of the World
wakes them up … they can’t hide.

They try towels,
which they layer across the top.
But the Light still comes in …
it doesn’t stop.

They try tons of clothespins
where the panels meet.
But the Light of the World
just won’t let them sleep!

Day after day …
the Light gently grows.
Day after day …
waking those who doze.

Many respond
with anger and hate!
They don’t want the Light
They’re mad and irate!

Yet many others
rise from their dreams
to take a look at the Light
coming in through the seams.

They pull back the curtain …
the Light floods in! 
Their once darkened hearts
have new life begin!

The Light floods their soul
with warmth and grace! …
clearing the darkness
of night from their place.

~ ~ ~    ~ ~ ~    ~ ~ ~

Day after day …
the Light gently grows.
Some are awakened. 
Others still doze.

Day after day …
the Light comes in
to dispel the darkness
and clear away sin.

Day after day …
the Light shines bright
to effectively bring
an end to the night!

Pull back the curtain! 
Let in the Light!
Usher in a new day
of Hope shining bright!

By Amy Hayes
June 2020

John 1:5 – “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

1 John 1:5-7 – “God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.  If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.  But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.”