Nails in the Dirt

Nails in the Dirt

I jabbed my hand with a nail this morning as I was out in the new garden plot clearing away weeds and rocks.

It is a very strange thing to have your palm punctured with a nail … just a few hours before Good Friday, when Jesus’s palms were pierced with nails.

Over the past few weeks, I have compared our new garden plot to Jesus expanding outside of the “original garden plot” of the Jewish nation, to “break new ground” and make “new garden plots” by allowing Gentiles to be welcomed into His family.

It’s a curious thing to have my palm punctured with a nail while working to prepare the new garden plot. Jesus was pierced with nails while accomplishing the ultimate work of salvation … in order to allow me, a Gentile, in the “new garden plot” to be welcomed into His family.

I’m headed off to get a tetanus shot.
It’s a curious thing to have the fleeting thought of wondering if Jesus needed a tetanus shot from his pierced nails … then instantly realize that the nails which pierced Jesus took His very life.