My Great Country (part 2)

My Great Country  (part 2)

We hop on the subway,
and head down to D.C. 
It’s our very first time,
the monuments to see. 

I step off the subway;
ride the escalator up … 
and when I reach the top
I am totally dumbstruck! 

Rising up right before me,
majestic and proud
is the Capitol building,
in the midst of a crowd.   

My throat tightens up;
my eyes fill with tears. 
I’ve never felt like this
in all of my years! 

To stand here on the mall
is a most stirring thing! 
This building, on TV,
I’ve only ever seen. 

There are no disgruntled protestors,
or televised new broadcasts. 
Just plain normal people,
calmly strolling past. 

I look all around me; 
I drink in all I see. 
I’m overwhelmed with emotion –
this Capitol is for me

The Washington Monument
reaches up toward the sky,  
dominating the Mall
as it rises ever high. 

Nearby is another monument
that seems somewhat new, 
commemorating those who served
in World War II. 

Encircling marble pillars
represent each state. 
Each one we just drove through
in our land that is so great!  

A group of WWII Veterans
is touring here as well. 
With pride and gratitude,
I feel my heart swell. 

These elderly men and women
standing there in front of me, 
sacrificed it all,
so that I could be free. 

When they were once young,
the age that I now am, 
they gave all they had,
because they loved this land. 

We head to the Lincoln Memorial,
which is our next stop. 
We climb the marble stairs
to the very top. 

In pictures and in movies,
this monument I’ve seen. 
Yet standing here now –
this monument is for me

All around the very top
are plaques for each state. 
Each one is represented,
in this land that is so great.   

From the wide lands of Wyoming,
where few people are. 
To the state of Nebraska,
with all of its farms. 

The cities of the Pacific Northwest,
now so very far away, 
are represented here,
and they also have a say. 

On the wall of this monument,
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address calls out, 
to today’s generation
whose hearts are strong and stout. 

“It is for us”
the message rings loud and clear. 
I respond:  I’ll give my very best
for my country I hold dear.  

Like the WWII veterans
who rose to meet the task, 
I’ll give my very all,
for whatever God asks. 

Our country’s been built
by facing challenges that are tough. 
I can change tomorrow,
through today’s tough stuff. 

I take a look around,
as we head back down the stairs. 
A group of Harley bikers
is mingling here and there. 

There’s a touring group from India,
wearing saris of brilliant gold. 
On the steps are hopeful fashion models
posing in the cold. 

Families with southern accents;
Groups of military guys; 
People from all over the world,
are here before my eyes. 

This capitol I’m experiencing
all around me
is a capitol for the whole world,
and all who would be free.  

I’m so thankful for my country,
that I’ve just driven through. 
I’m inspired for the task
that I’ve been called to do. 

I’m so proud of my country,
and our military brave. 
I resolve to give all that I have,
each and every day!