My Great Country (part 1)

My Great Country  (part 1)

It’s time for a road trip. 
Let’s pack up and go! 
Let’s see our great country,
we love and call home. 

With grey skies and drizzle,
we pile in the car. 
We embark on a journey
that will take us far. 

Past tall evergreens,
and Mt. St. Helens we go! 
Then out through the Gorge,
where the Columbia flows. 

Following the Columbia
through the Cascade Range, 
we’re amazed and astounded
at the landscape change! 

Brown barren land
now spreads out on both sides. 
The high desert stretches
far and wide. 

As a ribbon before us,
the road takes us east, 
through our great country
with beauty beyond belief!

Around the Great Salt Lake; 
through red canyons tall; 
Across Wyoming,
where mighty hills rise and fall. 

Past Little America billboards
for 50-cent cones; 
Rows and rows of fences
for drifting snow. 

Nebraska levels out –
still spacious and vast.   
Acre upon acre
of farmland we pass. 

Beautiful golden fields
stretch out on either side. 
“I’m part of this great country,”
I think with pride. 

Missouri brings with it
quite a bit more green; 
and a lot more traffic
than we’ve thus far seen.

There’s the St. Louis arch! 
And the Mississippi wide! 
We now seem swept away
in humanity’s tide! 

Freeways crisscross,
running this way and that! 
There’s so many cars,
and semis going quite fast! 

This too is my country,
where the people all are. 
With so many states
that aren’t very far.

We dip down through Iowa;
drive a while through Illinois. 
Ohio with its cornfields
brings a smile of joy. 

Down through Kentucky; 
across Tennessee,   
where the Great Smoky Mountains
roll in waves of green. 

The hills of Virginia
speak of Civil War times. 
I’m surrounded by history
in this country of mine! 

We make it around the beltway
of Washington D.C. 
America the beautiful!  
From sea to shining sea! 

Vast and spacious! 
With lots of room to roam! 
I’m so very thankful
for this land I love and call home!