Mushroom Breakfast Buffet!

Mushroom Breakfast Buffet!

I went out yesterday morning to spread bark chips and noticed that the slugs were having a fabulous Mushroom Breakfast Buffet!    

It seems word must have gotten around about the fantastic feasting opportunity available, for they were all over the tall spindly mushrooms which I had shared about in a blog post two weeks ago, as being an “Easter-egg” surprise blessing. 

Can you see the three slugs in the photo?    There are two on the mushroom in the foreground:  an adult, and near the bottom there is a little baby.   Then of course you can see the slug enjoying breakfast on the mushroom in the background. 

I had mentioned in a previous blog post about wondering what causes mushrooms to grow.   It seems there must have been something in the bark chips we spread last summer which caused these tall spindly mushrooms to grow. 

Evidently whatever was in last year’s bark chips must have needed certain moisture and temperature conditions throughout the winter … then, when the weather finally began warming up, it must have triggered the growth of these tall spindly mushrooms. 

All throughout our front flowerbed  (where we spread the bark chips last summer)  these tall spindly mushrooms have popped up.    Even way over on the far side of the house, far away from this particular flowerbed, a whole group of these tall spindly mushrooms has appeared.  ( because we spread the bark chips over there too! )  

It got me thinking about how what we do in one season of our life has repercussions in the next season of our life.   What our life is right now … it is that way because of the choices and decisions we have made in the previous seasons of our life.  

If we make poor decisions in one season of our life, we will reap the repercussions of those poor decisions in the next season of our life. 

Likewise, if we make wise decisions in one season of our life, we will likewise reap the repercussions/benefits of those wise decisions in the next season of our life.  

If we do not like our life  …  it is probably because we have made some poor decisions and wound up in an undesirable place as a result.     The decisions we make in one season of our life absolutely carry over to impact the next season of our life.  

What kinds of decisions are you making?  

If you do not like something about your life … then do something about it.    There’s no reason to sit around griping and complaining.    Do something about it.    Figure out how you would like your life to be better, set goals to aim for  …  then work toward those goals.  

What you do in this season of your life has repercussions in the next season. 

What you “sow” in this season of your life will result in a “harvest of mushrooms” in the next season. 

What are you “sowing” in this current season?   
What “harvest of mushrooms” are you looking forward to seeing appear in the next season?