Move Blessings

Move Blessings

Hubby and I assisted in a move this past Saturday. Let’s face it, moving is never fun. It’s disorienting in every way to have your life uprooted, packed up in boxes, loaded onto a moving truck and into cars, then deposited in heaps and piles in a strange, unfamiliar new place. It’s hard.

But … donuts make everything better!

On our way to the move that morning, we stopped by the donut shop to pick up donuts for everyone! A line of customers stretched almost out the door, and I couldn’t help but be excited as I gazed at the glass case filled with tantalizing goodness!

As we exited the donut shop with our box of goodness in hand, it started to rain lightly. But our spirits weren’t dampened … we had donuts! This was going to be a good day! Thank you God for moving-donuts!

When it comes to a move, there is always stress around getting the moving truck. Will the U-Haul place have the truck we reserved? Will everything fit on the truck we picked?

Yes! … the U-Haul place had our truck ready for us!
Yes … the truck was in good working order!
Yes … everything fit on the truck.
And, of course the tremendous relief of getting that truck turned back in after the move!
Thank you God for a moving truck!

And then there is the blessing of the precious people who came to help! As the saying goes: “Many hands make light work.” So true! It was priceless, the caring friends who gave up their Saturday to climb flights of stairs, carry heavy loads, and show love in a real, tangible way!

Thank you God for friends who sweated and toiled carrying heavy items.
Thank you God for the precious friend who made sure fishy made the journey to the new place safely.
Thank you God for friends! Their sacrifice of love was a huge blessing!!

At the end of the day, we discovered that we had logged 50 flights of stairs and walked over 7 miles! Yes … indeed that does deserve a donut! Thank you God for move blessings!!