Mother’s Day Blessings

Mother’s Day Blessings

Our dear friends (who now live in Southern California) recently told us about Rhododendron Park. They really enjoyed going to Rhododendron Park when they used to live in this area. And in God’s perfect, amazing timing, they “just so happened” to tell us about this wonderful park right when it “just so happened” to be the peak bloom time for rhododendrons!

Isn’t God amazing in His timing like that!

I’ve always wanted to visit a rhododendron park during peak bloom season! It’s always been a “bucket list” dream of mine. What an amazing gift from God!

Come along and join us, for a sunny stroll through Rhododendron Park

Wow!! So beautiful!! I was particularly delighted with these blooms because at the last house hubby and I used to live, we had planted a rhodie which was this very shade. I had been sad to leave it when we moved. But here were those very bloom … in profusion! So pretty!


I especially loved the white rhodies! They reminded me of wedding bouquets!

Yellow rhodies!! I loved the yellow rhodies!

A towering wall of rhodies!

I absolutely loved this bower of blooming rhodies! I can’t imagine how old these rhodies must be.

A path led across a protected wetland area and emerged at a scenic little dock at the mouth of the Sammamish River.

Several crew boats full of crew teams pulled up to the dock while we were standing there. It was fun to watch as the teams pulled their boats up out of the water and hoisted the boat up over their heads, as together they carried it back to the boathouse.

Is this not the most perfect picture of Mother’s Day ever!!

Thank you God, for Mother’s Day blessings!!

Thank you God, for all the amazing beauty you have created for us to enjoy!
God we love you! And God we praise you, because you are so so good!