Support Team

Support Team
My kids are in life’s “ultra-marathon”
long endurance race.  
They need for me to be there 
to help them keep the pace.

They need for me to be there 
when they’re no longer with the pack, 
when they’re racing all alone 
and need someone to watch their back.

They need for me to be there 
on those dark lonely nights, 
driving the support van 
and giving them some light.

They need for me to be there 
when the grey fog rolls in;
when they don’t have direction 
and can’t see around the bend.

They need for me to be there 
when the driving rain beats down; 
when they’re cold, wet, and weary, 
and motivation can’t be found.

They need for me to be there 
- mile after mile - 
speaking words of encouragement 
and helping them to smile.

They need for me to be there 
to point out rainbows in the sky, 
and other little joys in life 
that they might be passing by.

They need for me to be there 
when they need a bite to eat, 
and also when they have to 
“push through” and cannot sleep.

They need for me to be there 
to help them persevere;  
to tell them they can make it 
when they’re overwhelmed by fear.

They need for me to be there 
when doubt is on their face, 
and they just don’t think 
they can continue in this race.

They need for me to be there 
 –  to get out of the van –
and to run a while beside them, 
and also take their hand.

They need for me to be there 
till they get their second wind;  
till they hear spectators cheering 
and can finally see the end.

They need for me to be there 
as they cross the finish line, 
celebrating and rejoicing, 
as in the light they shine.

By:  Amy Hayes