Modern marriage scene

Modern marriage scene

I recently put forth the question to a group of Young Adult Professionals: “Do you have any questions about marriage?” 

Today’s topic of discussion is regarding the question about the modern marriage scene.  Everyone everywhere is moving in and living together, and only “getting married” as an afterthought, out of obligation.  How should Christians live differently to set a good example?

Our background photo for today shows the “For Sale” sign of the property where hubby and I currently live.  The former owners not only owned this particular property, but also a much larger piece of property in Montana … a ranch, actually, for raising horses.  It was there they built a much nicer, much larger home.

The former owners spent most of their time at their ranch in Montana.  They were rarely at this property which hubby and I eventually purchased.  However, just because they were not physically present at this property did not negate the fact that they were still the legal owners of this property. 

In order for hubby and me to move into this home and settle on this land, we first needed to purchase the property.  A legal transaction had to occur.  A huge stack of legal paperwork needed to be signed by hubby and me.  By “signing our names on the line” hubby and I became legally responsible for the property. 

Hubby and I are now legally responsible to the bank to pay the mortgage for the property.  Hubby and I are now legally responsible to the state to pay the property taxes for this property.  Hubby and I are now legally responsible to pay the utilities for this property. 

If we do not pay the mortgage … there will be consequences.  The bank will take action. 

If we do not pay the property taxes … there will be consequences.  The state will take action. 

If we do not pay the utilities … there will be consequences.  The utility companies will take action. 

When Jesus was on earth, he taught many things through stories/parables.  One of the parables/stories which Jesus taught was about a landowner who owned a piece of property, and just like the former owners of our property, the landowner went to a far-away country. 

In the parable, the local people decided that since the landowner was far-away, then he no longer mattered.  They decided they could do whatever they wanted with the property.  The parable described how the people did shameful things because they didn’t think the landowner existed or mattered. 

At the end of the parable, Jesus asked the question:  What do you think the landowner will do to those people when he returns? 

(If you would like to read this parable you can find it in:  Matthew 21:33-41;  Mark 12:1-9;  Luke 20:9-15) 

The modern marriage scene is very similar to this parable.  God is the creator of marriage.  And as such, God has established laws regarding marriage.  God is the property owner.  Marriage is God’s. 

Society nowadays does not acknowledge the existence of God.  Afterall, we can’t physically see God … so people assume God does not exist.  However … just because we can’t physically see God does not mean God does not exist.  God absolutely exists!  God is very much real! 

And God is the “property owner” when it comes to marriage. 

Just like the people in Jesus’s parable, society nowadays assumes that the “land” is free for the taking … everything regarding marriage is free for the taking … there are no laws … you can do whatever you want. 

Everyone everywhere is “moving onto the land” … but they have not entered into a legal agreement with God, the property owner.  Couples are “moving into the house” and enjoying the benefits of “living on the property.” 

This is the modern marriage scene. 

There is no commitment before God to take legal responsibility for the “land” of marriage. 

There is no commitment to care for the “land” – to pay the cost required to maintain it, to protect it, to tend & care for it. 

The people in Jesus’s parable were only thinking about what would benefit themselves.  So also, in the modern marriage scene, couples are only thinking about what will benefit themselves.  They live as “squatters” on the “land” … with no responsibility … and no commitment … then once they have “used up the resources” they abandon the “land.” 

So, the question to ponder is:  What do you think God, the landowner, will do to those people when He returns?   

Make no mistake … Jesus is coming back!  And He is coming back as Judge. 

Just because everyone everywhere is “moving in” and doing whatever they want with the “land” … this does not make it right.  The landowner is coming back.  And He will judge. 

It can be hard, as a young adult single to see everyone everywhere “squatting” on property which does not belong to them.  These “squatters” are perfectly comfortable and at total ease treating the “property” as if it belongs to them.  And it doesn’t seem like there are any consequences.  

How come they can they “squat” on someone else’s property and not be held accountable by the law? 

Make no mistake … consequences are coming.  These people will be held accountable by the law!  And even if the “property” was eventually purchased legally (perhaps out of obligation), “back taxes” will be required for the “squatting” which occurred. 

God is the creator of marriage.  God is the owner of marriage.  The “land” belongs to Him.