May Day Blessings

May Day Blessings

Today is the first day of May … Happy May Day!

Since May Day celebrations are going on around the world, I thought it would be fun to have my own little party by taking a walk around the forest to see what May Day Blessings I could find.

Here is what I discovered:

May Day Blessing #1 … it was sunny today! That right there is a huge blessing! Blue skies and sunshine … what better May Day Blessing could there be than that!

May Day Blessing #2 … the apple trees are in full bloom! Thank you God for beautiful apple blossoms!

May Day Blessing #3 … the lilacs are about to bloom! For the last three years the deer have eaten off all the blooms and new growth. But this year the lilacs are tall enough that the deer can’t reach the blooms! Thank you God, for lilac blooms!

May Day Blessing #4 … as I was soaking in the beauty of the bright orange Western Wallflowers, a dragonfly flew right up and landed front-and-center for a photo opp. (I apologize for the blurriness, but that is as good as I got before it flew away.) Thank you God, for dragonflies!

May Day Blessing #5 … the Red-Berried Elders are blooming! So pretty! Thank you God, for May Day Blessings!

May Day Blessing #6 … as I was down in the dirt trying to take a photo of a dazzling bright-blue bug on my Bunchberry Dogwoods, I came across camouflaged mushrooms! Exciting! Thank you God, for May Day Blessings!

May Day Blessing #7 … I didn’t know Forget-Me-Nots bloomed white! How cool is that! Absolutely stunning! Thank you God, for May Day Blessings!

May Day Blessing #8 … I happened across a surprise patch of tiny little violets! Yay! I didn’t know we had violets in our forest. Thank you God, for May Day Blessings!

May Day Blessing #9 … a small white “butterfly” flitted nearby as I was taking a photo of the pretty little violet. I zoomed in with my Seek App and discovered that it was not a butterfly after all. It was in fact a Common Carpet Moth. Thank you God, for moths that look like butterflies!

May Day Blessing #10 … these beautiful little flowers are blooming in profusion everywhere throughout the forest! My Seek App informed me that this is Candy Flower. Thank you God, for May Day Blessings!