Marriage is … unity.

Marriage is … unity.

A wedding is taking place in our backyard today!

It is very exciting!

All this week leading up to the wedding God has given me the most beautiful picture of what unity in marriage is like:

Hummingbirds do not typically feed at the Hummingbird feeder together. It has been only a few times, and on rare occasions that I have seen hummingbirds share a meal together at the feeder.

But this weekevery day this week … from early morning, all throughout each day, and into the late evening … the little hummingbirds have been feeding together! I’ve never seen anything quite like it! It is as if God has been giving me a week-long picture of unity!

Because marriage is … unity!

Not only that, but God also gave me a second beautiful picture of unity. I had stopped by the library to pick up my hold, and as I was walking back to my car I noticed this beautiful iris across the parking lot.

I didn’t even get in my car. I walked right over and stood there admiring this pretty little beauty.

I have never seen a two-toned iris before! Stunning!

I texted the photo to my dear precious friend down in Portland. Her response was so profoundly insightful and wise: “Marriage is like the beauty of this iris – two coming together to become one.”

Is that not the most beautiful image of unity in marriage ever!

Because marriage is … unity!

As the happy couple pledge their lives in covenantal commitment to each other, for the rest of their lives, I pray that their marriage will be a beautiful picture of unity! Unity like little hummingbirds dining together! And unity like the beautiful little two-toned iris!

Congratulations M&C!!!