Marriage is … like lettuce growing in a planter box.

Marriage is … like lettuce growing in a planter box.

Hubby and I decided to grow lettuce this year.   However, I didn’t want the hassle of having to go all the way out to the garden to gather lettuce for dinner each evening.   So I asked hubby if he would build me a planter box for the back deck  …  that way, I would only have to step out the back door when I wanted to gather some lettuce for dinner. 

Here you can see the planter box hubby made for me. Isn’t it beautiful!

The week after Mother’s Day, in mid-May, hubby and I planted our lettuce seeds.   We had two different types of lettuce:  “Little Gem” and “Classic Mix.”  

Hubby took a seed packet, and I took the other.   And since we had only one planter box, we each took a half of the planter box to sow our lettuce seeds.  

I was not paying any attention to how hubby was sowing his lettuce seeds.    I was being very careful to follow the instructions on the back of my seed packet:  “Sow in average soil in full sun.  Sow thinly in rows 12” apart and cover with ¼” of fine soil.   Firm lightly and keep evenly moist.  Seedlings emerge in 7-10 days.”  

The rest of the month of May was cold and rainy!     The lettuce seeds didn’t have any trouble staying “evenly moist”  …  however, there has been very little sunshine.   Practically no sunshine.  

But the seeds are finally sprouting!  …  4 weeks later!  

Here you can see our planter box with the tiny bits of green from our lettuce sprouts coming up.    Exciting!  

And also, as you can see, one half of the planter box has little lettuce sprouts coming up all over the place, while the other half of the planter box has little lettuce sprouts coming up in two distinct tidy rows.  

This is such a perfect picture of marriage!  

Marriage is one relationship made up of two people  …  just like the planter box is one planter box containing two different types of lettuce.  

In marriage, the husband is like one type of lettuce;  the wife is like the other type of lettuce.    Two completely different types of lettuce  …  planted in the one planter box.    Or in other words  …  two completely different individuals, growing together in one marriage!  

Usually in a marriage, the husband and wife have opposite tendencies of each other.   One might be more outgoing, while the other might be more reserved and quieter.   One might be super organized, while the other might be random.    One might be spur-of-the-moment, while the other might be a planner. 

It’s our differences that make us stronger together in marriage.  

His strengths balance out her weaknesses;   and her strengths balance out his weaknesses  …  so that together they are a power duo!  

This is just like the two different types of lettuce planted in our one planter box:   one type of lettuce is neat, tidy bunch-lettuce  …  whereas the other type of lettuce is random all-kinds-of-lettuce.  

The random all-kinds-of-lettuce is coming up randomly, all-over-the-place  …  because that is how hubby planted it.   He didn’t really pay any attention to the instructions on the back of the seed packet.   They’re seeds  …  you just sprinkle them around and they’ll grow.  

The neat, tidy bunch-lettuce is coming up in neat, tidy rows  …  because that is how I planted it.   That’s what the instructions on the back of the seed packet said.  

This is marriage!  

He does things completely differently than she does things.    And she does things completely differently than he does things.    And that’s totally normal!    And totally ok. 

There is nothing at all wrong with how the lettuce is coming up.    It’s sprouting  …  that’s the only thing that matters!  

If the one planter box on the back deck receives plenty of warm sunshine during the summer months, then both types of lettuce will grow and thrive.    They are both planted in the same one planter box. 

If the one planter box on the back deck is forgotten about and is not given any water during the hot dry days, then both types of lettuce will wilt and die away.    They are both planted in the same one planter box.  

This is marriage!  

If the one marriage relationship receives the warmth of love, and grace, and forgiveness, and kindness, etc.  …  then both the husband and the wife in the marriage will grow and thrive.  

However, by the same token, if the one marriage relationship is forgotten about and not “watered”  …  due to selfishness, or distraction, or forgetfulness, or flat-out not paying attention  …  then both the husband and the wife will find the love and tenderness between them wilting and dying away.

Marriage is  …  like lettuce growing in a planter box!