My wedding speech is in hand … and I’m ready to go! Whoo Hoo!
(and in case you were wondering, no I’m not using the song I shared in yesterday’s post – Ha!)
As I’ve been pondering, over the last few days, what I should speech-ize about, I’ve had all kinds of interesting ideas. But each one of the ideas is more conducive for a blog post, rather than a speech.
Now that I have my actual wedding speech prepared and ready, I thought: why not share the other ideas as blog posts?
So, for the next few blog posts, I will share a mini-series on Marriage.
To kick off our topic, for today’s post we have: Marriage is … like a fabulous culinary creation!
When two people come together in marriage, they are each bringing with them into the marriage their own unique individual collection of “ingredients.”
Picture in your mind a varied assortment of all kinds of different ingredients sitting all over the kitchen counter.
A Master Chef would be able to make all kinds of wonderful things by combining the different ingredients in all kinds of unique and different ways!
Regarding the wedding I’m participating in this weekend:
The bride is coming into the marriage and the “ingredients” she is bringing to place on the kitchen counter are completely unique and specific to the life she has lived these past 30 years. For most of these past 30 years she has lived on the complete opposite side of the world … therefore her “ingredients” are very much influenced by the culture in which she has been immersed.
Let’s imagine her placing on the kitchen counter spices such as cardamom, coriander, turmeric, etc. … Her experiences have given her a lot of unique “spice” to bring into the marriage.
Let’s also imagine her placing on the kitchen counter mangoes, lychees, and rambutan. Her experiences have given her an assortment of completely unique “fruity sweetness” to bring into the marriage.
Of course you would not want to combine turmeric with lychees. But these uniquely varied “ingredients” are all placed on the kitchen counter nonetheless. The Master Chef knows what to do with them. The Master Chef knows how to combine what ingredients together in order to make something spectacular!
Likewise, the groom is coming into the marriage and the “ingredients” he is bringing to place on the kitchen counter are completely unique and specific to the life he has lived these past 30 years. For these past 30 years he has lived on this side of the world, in this culture here … therefore his “ingredients” are very much uniquely shaped and influenced by the culture here, in which he has been immersed.
The groom places his “ingredients” on the kitchen counter, intermingled with the bride’s “ingredients.” I wonder what the Master Chef is going to create with such a vast and varied assortment of “ingredients”??
God is the Master Chef!
God brought these two together … along with their vast and varied assortment of “ingredients.” God, the Maser Chef has a fabulous culinary creation in mind!
Of course, when you are making a culinary creation, you need the basics: flour, sugar, salt, eggs, butter.
Both the groom and the bride bring the basics to the place on the kitchen counter of their marriage. The “basics” would be the core foundation of their character: love, honesty, loyalty, truthfulness, faithfulness, etc. …
God, the Master Chef is the one in charge of the kitchen … but He places the responsibility of doing the work on the husband and the wife. Yes, the Master Chef is going to create a fabulous culinary creation in this marriage! But it is a partnership … everyone working in concert together … the Master Chef, the husband, and the wife.
The husband and the wife will need to roll up their sleeves. The husband and the wife will need to put effort and work into making something fabulous out of their marriage.
The husband and the wife need to learn how to develop “muscle” as they daily mix together the “batter” of their marriage.
The husband and the wife will need to learn how much of what spice to use. If you accidentally dump in too much “spice” the marriage will get too “heated.” If you don’t use enough “spice” the marriage will become “bland.”
When combining “ingredients” in a marriage, it always requires a bit of a learning curve. You will make mistakes! It will happen.
For example, you do not want to completely melt the butter then add it to cold ingredients (such as a mixture of oil & cold eggs from the fridge). When the melted butter hits the cold ingredients, the butter will coagulate into a mess of globules … thereby impacting the texture and quality of whatever you are baking.
It is no different in marriage. The husband and the wife will learn such things as this, as they together combine the different “ingredients” they have brought to the kitchen counter of their marriage.
But do not fear failure. The Master Chef is overseeing the kitchen! The Master Chef is guiding each step along the way!
The Master Chef is right there in the kitchen, working right alongside the husband and the wife.
The Master Chef has a fabulous culinary creation in mind … and this He is working out, bit by bit, day by day, one step at a time.
Do not fret if you can’t figure out how to get egg whites to whip into meringue. Keep trying! Keep working at it! You’ll figure it out. God, the Master Chef is making something fabulous!
And when the Master Chef whispers in your ear to add a dash of orange zest … and you don’t really think a dash of orange zest is the right thing to add … obey the Master Chef! The Master Chef knows what He is doing! The Master Chef is making something fabulous!
Marriage is like a fabulous culinary creation!
Yes, it will take work! It will take effort! … by both the husband and the wife!
Yes, you will make mistakes and mess up along the way. But the Master Chef is right there guiding you.
Yes, you will get discouraged. It will require determination! It will require perseverance!
The Master Chef is creating an amazing, fabulous culinary creation out of your marriage!