Make More Room!

Make More Room!

It’s almost garden-planting time! 

So off we went to Home Depot to get a few seeds.  Our garden plot is small, so we only needed a few seeds.

I stood there … in front of the seed display at Home Depot … in awe at the dazzling array of wonderful seed options!  So many exciting things we could grow!  Let get some of these … and these … and these … oh, and let’s try these too!

We came back home with all kinds of seed packets!

Clearly our small garden plot is not big enough.

Obviously … we need to make more room!

And so we did. 

Here you can see our original small garden plot (on the left) … and our new garden plot with lots more room (on the right).

As I read through the book of Acts, I can see the Good News of Jesus expanding out beyond the original “garden plot” of the Jewish nation.  In the book of Acts, lots of new “garden plots” are being planted! 

Matthew 9:36-38 – “When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, …  Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.’”

Turn up the ground!   Make more room!  
God’s got a harvest in store!