Love in the Little Things

Love in the Little Things

Love is tiny little flowers
with intricate designs,
which God hid among the weeds,
just so I could find.

Love is puffy white clouds
floating across the sky …
God’s glory on display! …
as airplane streaks whisp by.

Love is tiny little hummingbirds,
darting to and fro,
that God sent to entertain me,
with their antics, for a show.

Love is healthy little seed sprouts
in a garden that’s been tilled; 
and God’s provision for our needs
with pantry cupboards that are filled.

Love is variegated coloring
on tiny little snails. 
It’s chains of big leaf maple blossoms
when I go to get the mail.

It’s the sound of the creek,
hidden down in the ravine. 
It’s the joyful birdsong chorus
that fills each new morning.

It’s the buzzing of the bees
on the lavender and sage. 
All these little things are God’s love,
sent to me in little ways.

It’s the chime of a dangle-doo
from a friend, now with the Lord. 
It’s cherished memories of a mentor,
who into my life poured.

Love is simple words of wisdom
from friends who deeply care. 
Love is knowing that we’re held up
by dear ones in their prayers.

Love is a precious treasure!  …
but it doesn’t shout.  
It takes a heart at peace 
to see its value shining out.

Love surrounds me every day
in tiny, hidden little things. 
God cares about the details …
no matter how unseen.

God’s in the hidden places!
God’s in the little things!
God often does His greatest work,
hidden …  behind the scenes.

Thank you, God for caring about
my hidden unseen place. 
Thank you, God for caring about
all the little things I face.

Thank you, God for Peace
when my heart is filled with fear. 
Thank you, God that in my hidden place
You are very near!

Thank you, God for little bits
of hope to light my way. 
Thank you, God for Your little gifts
of love to me each day!

By Amy Hayes
June 2020