Lost in the Fog

Lost in the Fog

For the past five days straight, we’ve been enveloped in soupy dense fog up here on the Ridge. No breeze. No air movement. Just dense soupy fog that’s settled in heavy and thick!

Isn’t that how life feels right now. Looking out across life it feels as if all hope for the future is lost in the soupy fog of turmoil and chaos that is engulfing our world. We can’t see forward to hope or dream or plan. We can’t see forward at all … we’re lost in the fog that has engulfed us.

But yesterday morning! The blank white nothingness of the fog began to slowly take on the growing tint of sunrise. The sun was breaking through the fog! And sure enough … in a few minutes patches of brilliant blue sky could be seen! Wow! Blue sky!

It has been there all along. The blue sky has been there all along … up above all the fog. The sun has still been shining all long … up above the fog. In the same way, God is up above all the foggy chaos of our world. We might feel trapped in the fog right now, but take heart. God is still above it all! And He is shining His glory like always!