LIGHT in your Lamp

LIGHT in your Lamp
LIGHT in Your Lamp

In a world of darkness, 
thick all around, 
there is fear, confusion, 
and tearing others down.  

Everyone is caught up 
in negative despair.  
Is there a ray of light?
 ... anywhere???

Oh look!  There’s a light! ... 
in the dark, all alone.  
And see!  There’s another one 
off on its own.  

Engulfed in thick darkness, 
black as the night, 
there shines out, here and there, 
a few solitary lights.

From a long ways off … 
LIGHT can be seen!  
What an intriguing 
and most unusual thing!  

How curious it is … 
that LIGHT can shine out ... 
in a world where there is 
no other light about.

The beauty of the LIGHT 
leaves everyone awed! …
 … until it’s discovered 
that the LIGHT is from God.

Curiosity and awe 
soon turn to disgust
as the LIGHT reveals hatred, 
lies, and distrust;

Back-stabbing, greed, 
and envy are found,
along with jealousy, 
when the LIGHT is around.

The LIGHT is the problem! … 
becomes the shout.
These things wouldn't show 
if the LIGHT weren't about.

We don't want the LIGHT! 
- not here in this place!
We don't want the LIGHT 
- not even a trace!

Mud is thrown at the LIGHT 
… dark & thick!
But in spite of it all, 
the grime doesn’t stick.

The LIGHT still shines out! 
... no matter the press. 
It’s glow can be seen! 
... even through all the mess. 

~   ~   ~  ~

Little lamp, you shine the LIGHT 
... though you feel all alone; 
And your lamp has endured 
some “casting of stones.”

You’re weak and you’re weary 
… you don’t feel bright, 
as you shine out in 
the thick blackness of night.  

But look!  ... far away, 
and on their own ...  
there are a few more lights, 
shining alone.  

In the thick darkness, 
like beacons you gleam!  
And from many miles away, 
LIGHT can be seen! 

So shine out!  Shine out!  
No matter your place!
Shine out!  Shine out, 
God’s love and His grace!

God’s LIGHT in your lamp 
is piercing through the night!  
You’re making a difference!  
Little solitary light!

“God is LIGHT;  in Him there is no darkness at all.”
1 John 1:5

“The LIGHT shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” 
John 1:5