Life’s Amazing Race

Life’s Amazing Race

This life that I live
feels like the Amazing Race,
with challenges to conquer
each new day that I face.

My hubby’s my team-mate,
as we race hand-in-hand
through this journey of life
that my Lord has planned.

In the beginning everything
was exciting and fun.
I was enthusiastic,
and ready to run.

I was eager to see
just where my Lord would lead;
the tasks He would give me
and the people I’d meet.

Now, leg after leg,
this race has worn on.
I’m finding that my going
is not quite so strong.

Fatigue and exhaustion
are taking their toll.
And just making it to the next pit-stop
has become my goal.

It’s a good thing that as team-mates
we don’t argue and fight,
because to get through these challenges
we’ve got to work together tight.

As we bear one another’s burdens
and help each other along,
we find that as a team
we grow quite strong.

But there are times in this race
when I’m on my own:
tasks my Lord gives me
that I must conquer alone.

Even though I want to move on
to something more fun,
I’m stuck at this roadblock
until I am done.

I see others moving on
in their own life’s race.
I want to move too,
to my own next phase.

But for right now I’m stuck
with this task I must do.
And I have to complete it
before I’ll get my next clue.

I’m tired and worn out. 
This task is really tough.
I started it fine,
but the going’s gotten rough.

I want so very badly
just to give up and quit.
But I have to press on,
and keep going bit by bit.

This burden is one
that I alone have to bear.
I can’t receive help
from my loved ones who care.

They give words of encouragement;
cheer me on from the side.
They wrap their arms around me
when I break down and cry.

“It’s hard!  It’s hard! 
I don’t think I can get it done!”
But I have to complete
what I have begun.

Broken and weary,
with tears streaming down my face,
I continue to press on
in my life’s amazing race.

My Lord wouldn’t have given me
something I couldn’t do.
He is right here to help me
see this task through.

Then through my weary perseverance
He gently speaks to me,
“Congratulations, my child,
this task is complete.”

Ones who were total strangers
when this task I did begin,
now rush to surround me
as warm, loving friends.

This trial that I endured,
they watched from the start,
and they agonized along with me,
deep in their hearts.

I reach to receive
from my dear Lord’s hand
the next clue, that for my life,
He has planned.

I pick up my back-pack
and head out to face,
the next stage of my life’s
amazing race.

By Amy Hayes
April 2011