Life lessons learned … enriching the soil for others.

Life lessons learned … enriching the soil for others.

Throughout the month of October, we’ve been discussing the topic of marriage and dating.  I began our discussion on marriage with a photo of this Big Leaf Maple in our backyard.  It is a great illustration of what marriage looks like:  it is one tree, with one leafy canopy, and one root system underneath the ground … but as you look closely you notice that the trunk is comprised of two different leader-trunks. 

This is what marriage is like:  one unified marriage … comprised of two distinctly individual people (husband & wife). 

November has arrived, and the leaves are finally beginning to fall.  This Big Leaf Maple in the backyard produces a lot of fallen leaf debris! 

Behind the Big Leaf Maple is a forested ravine.  It would be easy to just blow all the fallen leaves off into the ravine.  But we don’t. 

The fallen leaves are very helpful for our forest property which we are trying to care for.  Believe it or not, the past three years hubby and I have transported all the fallen leaves from this tree in the back all the way to the front where an area has been in desperate need of some revitalization and help.  The three-years’ worth of leaves has benefited this area greatly! 

Fallen leaves are wonderful at suppressing and containing weed-growth.  Fallen leaves also add a lot of nutrients back into the soil.

When it comes to life, there are life lessons to be learned from each season.  One season of our life comes to an end, and God prepares to move us into a different life-season  …  just like the trees are getting ready to move into the next season. 

And just as the trees produced a lot of growth during this past season (aka leaves!), so also in our lives we too produce growth in each life season. 

When it comes time for God to move us into a new and different season, all that growth we produced is meant to “fall” from our life and nourish the lives of others around us. 

The life lessons we learned from this past season can help to keep down weedy growth for someone else who is struggling with “weeds” in their life.  The life lessons we learned from this past season can add vital “nutrients” the soil of someone else’s life who is struggling. 

Each season of life will produce life-lessons learned.  Don’t let those life-lessons go to waste.  Use those life-lessons learned to enrich the soil of life for others!