Let offenses go … be a bridge builder

Let offenses go … be a bridge builder

The Bible encourages us to: “Live in Peace with each other.”  This requires intentionality to “build a bridge” (relationally) with others.

The bridge in our background photo is a solid, sturdy bridge which crosses a large, marshy expanse, extending down into a dip, and far back in between two lovely housing neighborhoods.  The sturdy bridge (pictured) allows for passage across the wide, marshy bog … connecting the adjoining housing neighborhood. 

In our relationships with others, we can “build a bridge” by letting offenses go.  This protects us from getting bogged down in the marsh and allows passage across the offense.  In this way, friends & neighbors can remain “connected.” 

Let offenses go … be a bridge builder.

“He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.” – Proverbs 17:9