Let Go of the Old

Let Go of the Old

It’s Thursday morning,
my correspondence day. 
I can’t wait to create
a new coloring page!

I find a cool picture,
quite by happenstance …
though I think its discovery
was not at all by chance.

The coloring picture shows
a log in the woods …
demonstrating all the ways
a rotten log can be good.

It can be a bunny burrow. 
It can grow a brand-new tree. 
It’s a place where mushrooms
grow abundantly!

This will be perfect!
I think to myself. 
We have photos of mushrooms
that grow like a shelf.

Oh, what cool mushrooms
that grew back in the fall! 
I think I’ll include
pictures of them all!

I go to the server,
sitting out in the cloud,
and hunt …
but the cool photos can’t be found.

This is absurd. 
I know they are here. 
Then in my soul
a gentle whisper I hear …

“You can’t find the photos
because I don’t want you to.” 
But I ignore the still small voice,
and my search I renew.

I scroll and I scroll …
Oh the server’s so slow! 
I know I should stop,
deep down in my soul.

God whispers again –
“You should let it go.” 
I finally give up …
for a day or so.

I’m restless and antsy. 
I don’t want to give in. 
So my fruitless search
I renew once again.

I scroll for an hour,
determined to win. 
I sort through the photos
from beginning to end.

Finally!  At last! 
The photos I find! 
I try to download them
from the server online.

But alas, my phone
is out of storage space. 
I hear God’s whisper –
“Let go.  Stop this chase.”

But I found them, God! 
The photos are right here. 
I can’t let them go …
not when they’re so near.

God tells me – “Those photos …
I gave you that view. 
But you can’t download them. 
Trust me for something new.”

But God …
mushrooms don’t grow in the spring! 
I need the old mushrooms! 
I can’t trust for new things.

Stubborn and obstinate,
I press on in my quest. 
I take a screen shot. 
It works!  Now I can rest.

But my soul is uneasy. 
I didn’t obey. 
I didn’t let it go. 
I pressed on anyway.

I might have the photos,
but I don’t feel right. 
My grip on what I wanted
was way too tight.

It was just a few photos
of mushrooms so small. 
But I simply can’t use them
after all.

God had said “No.” 
And I don’t know why. 
I don’t understand
why He blocked my try.

My cool coloring pages
I was creating for fun
are put on hold,
‘til I know what’s to be done.

Exactly one week later,
a Thursday once again,
I’m on an evening walk,
with my camera-phone in hand.

I’m ‘oo’ing’ and ‘aahh’ing’
over flowers in a ditch,
and trying to figure out
which different leaves are which.

I turn into my driveway
and glance off to the side. 
My breath catches in my chest
at a treasure I just spied!

For growing in profusion,
on a mossy woodland tree,
are clusters of the coolest
mushrooms I have ever seen!

All at once God speaks to me,
deep within my soul –
“See, I was telling you
to let go of the old.”

God said, “I caused these mushrooms
to grow here for you. 
I had planned something different. 
I had planned something new.”

“These mushrooms right here …
these are the ones for you. 
You can finish up that coloring page
the way you wanted to.”

“I prepared something special …
waiting in the new. 
But you had to let go,
before I could give it now to you.”

Letting go of the old  … 
that’s really hard to do! 
Letting go of all the dreams and plans,
and all we’ve had in view.

To let go.  To surrender. 
To trust when we don’t know …
makes everything more special
when God’s “new” to us He shows.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 
See, I am doing a new thing!”
~ Isaiah 43:18-19

By: Amy Hayes