What is Good??

What is Good??

A coyote has taken up residence around our place recently.  Just the other day, as I was having lunch, the coyote settled down in the overgrown brush by the garden corner and relaxed for a long while.  I’ve never observed a coyote being still and relaxing.  Coyotes are always swift and on the move.

During all hours of the night the coyote trots back and forth down our driveway (the Ring camera picks it up).  Yesterday the coyote was hanging out around our back flowerbeds, right up near the house.

Is this an ok thing??  When it came to the baby deer in the Spring this would not have been a good thing at all.  But now??   Do coyotes eat mice or rats??   Does the presence of a coyote have any good aspects??  We don’t know.

These questions over what is good or not mirrors life these days!  Our world no longer has any standard of good or bad.  We have no idea what is good or what is bad.  Each day we are faced with decisions … complicated decisions … controversial decisions … and we honestly don’t know if they are good, or are they bad??

Just like the coyote hanging out around our place.  What is good anymore??