Lessons in the Dirt – Night is Coming

Lessons in the Dirt – Night is Coming

It is almost October, and time to bring the tomato harvest inside … even though they’re all still green. 

I stepped outside to do this just as night was falling.  And as I was picking green tomatoes in the gathering darkness, this verse popped into my mind:   John 9:4 – “As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent me.  Night is coming, when no one can work.”  

The thought occurred to me … the Holy Spirit has Fruit for each of us to produce, much of which is specific for particular seasons of our life.

When I was a young mom with little children, there was Fruit of the Spirit that could only be produced during that particular season of my life.  When my kids left home to go away to college, and I found myself as an “empty-nester” there was Fruit of the Spirit that could only be produced during that particular phase.   That phase passed, its time is now over … those opportunities are gone.  I now find myself in a completely new and different season of life … and once again, the opportunities for Fruit of the Spirit are unique and specific to this particular season of my life.

The Holy Spirit has Fruit for each of us to produce … but there is a limited time window … then the opportunity will be gone.   What Fruit is the Holy Spirit producing right now during this season of your life?