Lessons from Lake Twenty-Two

Lessons from Lake Twenty-Two

At the end of June, hubby and I hiked to Lake Twenty-Two with our two kids.   

After climbing straight uphill for a couple of hours, we finally reach the lake and were grateful to rest along its shores.    As we were resting, we noticed tiny little dots of hikers far across on the opposite side of the lake.    I decided right then and there, we must explore! … and hike that trail too! … so that we could see what that far end of the lake was like! 

And so, in a spirit of adventure, we set off!  

As you can see in the photo, a lingering snowbank remained on that far side of the lake, sheltered in the northern shadow of Mt. Pilchuck.   It was here, where this snowbank came down to meet the water, that the trail traversed a section of swampy marshy ground.   

A sturdy wooden boardwalk had been constructed to cross the swampy marshy section.  

As we approached this sturdy wooden boardwalk, both my kids instantaneously said:  “Mom!  …  you can write a blog post about this!”  

The boardwalk was very sturdy.   The boards were in perfectly good condition.   And it had obviously been constructed fairly recently  …  perhaps within the last year or two?  

So why is it this way??  

Evidently the extreme weight of the snow had put excessive strain on the metal brackets which attached the cross-sections of boards to the vertical support posts.    It was here, where the horizontal planks joined the vertical support posts, that the metal brackets had been bent down and/or broken off.  

Hence, the sturdy wooden boardwalk had dips!   

And yet  …  in spite of the dips  …  the boardwalk is still sturdy!    The boardwalk is still stable!    The boardwalk still provides a safe and sure footing across the marshy swampy section of ground!  

Hubby and I have some good friends who are currently under excessive strain and extreme weight of burdens right now.  

Just like the boardwalk, our friends are also feeling some dips!    And yet  …  their life is still sturdy because of Jesus!    Their life is still stable and solid  …  because of Jesus!  

Their life still provides a safe passage and sure footing across the marshy swampy ground of life  …  so that those whom they love can get to Jesus!