Lessons from a Blackberry Vine

Lessons from a Blackberry Vine

Today’s blog post  (and accompanying photos)  are from my son. 

Often when I work from home I try to take a short walk during lunchtime to stretch my legs.   The nearby bike trail is the perfect place for a walk, and like most summers it has come alive with blackberry brambles.    Some vines are alive and growing, some are scraggly.    Some are ripe with berries, and some still have flowers.   

Imagine if the blackberry flower looked to the vine next to it and thought, “Wow that vine is so full of ripe berries!   They’re black and juicy!   That vine has “arrived”  …  why can’t I have that!?     I’m stuck here being a poor flower waiting on a bee to come  …  oh how I wish I were like that other vine!” 

However, the blackberry flower only sees the good parts of the other vine.    Little does it know that life is just as challenging for the ripe berries that have apparently “arrived.”    Those vines now need to worry about birds coming to eat their berries, trail travelers consuming their delicacies.   And in contrast, the ripe berry vine may reminisce about how much simpler life was when it was just a flower.  

God has a perfect plan and season for every vine and person in this world! (Eccl. 3:1)   

Often we may wish to compare ourselves to others, wishing we were where they are  …  when God calls us to be content where He has placed us, and to bloom with all our might!   

Friends who get married and have toddlers no longer have time to hang out with others or go do fun spontaneous activities  …  that big fancy house comes with countless unexpected fees  …  coworkers with grandiose jobs end up paying substantial taxes  …  those with fancy cars have steep insurance premiums …  etc.  

No matter what season of life you are in, be content!    

Life is hard no matter what season you are in  …  so focus on loving and following God in your right next step, rather than judging others or comparing,  and let Him tend to the berry harvest.