Leaving the Windows Open

Leaving the Windows Open

One of the wonderful things about Summer is being able to have the windows open and let fresh air in. 

Similarly, one of the wonderful things about our current digital age is being able to open up our digital screens/ “windows” and get all kinds of fresh new ideas, information, and perspectives. 

This past April, when the pollen was at its worst, there happened to be a couple of rare sunny days.  Naturally, the sun shining in the back windows heated up the house, so I opened the windows to let some cool air in. 

This was not the best thing for my family, already struggling with allergies.  The open windows only exacerbated their breathing difficulties. 

Leaving the windows open was not the best thing. 

Our neighbor a few houses down was chatting with us a few months back about heating costs.  Her grown son and his girlfriend had come to spend the month of December with her.  The girlfriend was from a European Scandinavian country where it is considered healthy to keep the windows open for at least an hour each day … even during the winter … in order to get fresh air.  Our neighbor was sharing with us how exorbitant her heating costs were for the month of December.  It was staggering!! 

Leaving the windows open was not necessarily the best thing. 

Do we recognize this same truth when it comes to our digital “windows”? 

Spiritually speaking, we might have our doors secured.  We might take a firm stand for the Truths of Scripture and zealously guard against false doctrine.  But what about our “windows”?? 

If we are not careful, leaving the “windows” [digital screens] open can let into our minds (and into our homes) a spirit of fear, a spirit of anger, a spirit of anxiety, a spirit of confusion, a spirit of depression, a spirit of judgementalism, etc…

These spirits are not from God. 

2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 

Just like the open windows during pollen season exacerbated breathing difficulties, so also leaving the “windows” [digital screens] open to our souls can have similar impacts on our spiritual lives. 

Just like the open windows during the cold of winter resulted in a high cost, so also leaving the “windows” [digital screens] open to our souls can exact a high cost on our spiritual lives. 

What about you? 

Be careful when it comes to leaving the “windows” open.