Leaning Towards the Light

Leaning Towards the Light

It’s a fascinating thing to see all the little seed sprouts leaning towards the light.  The sun isn’t even out.  How do those little seed sprouts know where the light is?  Also, they’re not all leaning every which-way.  No … they are all leaning together in the same direction … towards the light.

God put it in their DNA.  Deep inside, on a molecular level of what makes a seed a seed, it knows which way the light is. 

Our times are very dark, troubled times!  Have you noticed people leaning toward your LIGHT? 

How do they know?  How do they know where the LIGHT is?  God has put it in our DNA.  Deep inside, at the very core of what makes us who we are, we know there is a God.  We know which way the LIGHT is.

So in these dark, desperate times … let others lean in towards your LIGHT.  They can tell.  They can see the strength that Jesus is giving you to stand solid when the world is falling apart.  

It’s exhausting … when others lean in towards your LIGHT.  You can literally feel your energy being drained away as they tap into the strength that Jesus has given you.  It’s ok though.  Jesus has an inexhaustible supply of strength.  His mercy is new every morning.  Let them lean in.  Let them draw strength.  Let them see the LIGHT of Jesus!