Kindling for the soul … the little things matter!

Kindling for the soul … the little things matter!

Last week, with all the upheaval caused by the snow, the “wood-box” of my soul was beginning to run empty.  I could feel my patience wearing thin.  I could feel frustration rising.  I was worried I might accidentally snap someone’s head off for no reason. 

I decided to take a walk outside in the snow for a bit.  A good cold walk outside would surely help.  As I walked, I found myself chatting with God:  “God … I am so exhausted!  I’m worn really thin right now!  God, I’m so empty!” 

By this time, I had reached the end of my driveway.  I stepped out onto the road to survey whether or not it was drivable … and at that very moment, a lady just happened to be walking by with her cute little dog. 

This lady was my neighbor a few houses down the street.  She had moved in a few months ago, and I had not yet had a chance to meet her.  She was a wonderfully sweet person, and we had the grandest conversation standing there in the middle of the snow-covered road. 

As we parted ways, and as I continued on down the snowy road, I could immediately tell my heart was in a much better place.  Some “kindling” had just been added to the “firebox” of my soul. 

That was God.  God did that. 

God knew my soul was empty.  And God had planned for my neighbor to “just happen” to be there near the end of my driveway, right as I showed up … so that He could use her to encourage my soul. 

Thank you God! 

A UPS truck rounded the corner and turned onto our street … and the driver, with a jolly personality, gave a wave as he drove past.  A bit later, as I was just about to head back down the driveway to our house, the UPS truck drove up and stopped at the end of our driveway. 

The driveway was buried deep in snow.  I hated for the driver to have to trudge through all that snow just to drop a box off at our front door … so I offered to take it for him.  He hesitated … it was a heavy package.  How heavy … I asked.   35 lbs. … I could handle that. 

He handed the package to me and said he really didn’t mind walking through the snow to the house … said he could use the “steps” anyway.  As he climbed back into his truck he called out:  “You have a Merry Christmas!”  And I replied:  “You too.” 

Someone was nice to me!  He was the very first person to wish me a “Merry Christmas” this season.  My heart was encouraged.  Some “kindling” had just been added to the “firebox” of my soul. 

Thank you God! 

I made it back to the house with the 35 lb. package.  … checked on the fire in the firebox … it needed another log. 

I stepped outside on the back deck to grab another log from the wood-box,  and I could hear the neighbors down the street working together to get a car unstuck.  (it was the car of the super sweet lady I had just met)   Hearing the sound of neighbors working together to help each other … my heart was uplifted!   People were being nice to each other!  People were helping each other!  Some “kindling” was added to the “firebox” of my soul. 

Never underestimate the power of the little things! 

Stopping to chat with someone.  
Being interested in someone.  
Giving a wave and a smile. 
Having a positive attitude. 
Wishing someone a “Merry Christmas.” 
Working together to help one another. 

All these things are “kindling” for people’s souls. 

All around us people are weary … people are worn thin … people are stretched beyond their breaking point.  The embers in the “firebox” of their soul have just about gone out. 

It’s amazing what a little bit of “kindling” will do to embers. 

You never know the power your encouragement might have in someone else’s life.  It just might be the “kindling” which reignites the “flame” in their soul once again.