Keys to Relationship – Give it everything you’ve got.

Keys to Relationship – Give it everything you’ve got.

As you look at the background photo for today you might notice some tiny little figures high up on the ledge just to the right of the center. This is the trail which hubby and I were hiking … and that is where we were heading. This particular hike was one of the hardest hikes hubby and I have ever done. And as we gazed up at the tiny little figures, I couldn’t help but think: “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this … somehow, somehow I’m going to make it up there.”

Relationships are hard. Relationships don’t just happen. They require effort. They require perseverance. They require stamina.

To be in relationship with someone means to face challenges you’ve never faced before. It means to keep pushing through even though the air is getting thinner and it’s harder to breathe. It means reaching for heights you never thought possible.

And when you arrive at that high ledge and stand gazing out at the indescribable view stretching far around you … you know you got there because you gave it all you had!

This is the only way to develop deep solid relationships! You’ve got to give it everything you’ve got! Love hard! Love your people well! And give it everything you’ve got!