Keys to Relationship – Flow with the rhythm

Keys to Relationship – Flow with the rhythm

A relationship is like a dance.  Much like driving a car is a “dance with humanity.” 

When you are driving around town, you are not entirely in control.  For sure you are in control of your own vehicle.  But you are not in control of any of the other drivers in their vehicles.  You never quite know what they will do.  It is a dance. 

You have to be alert and observant.  You make your own moves based upon where you need to go.  They make their own moves based upon where they are going.  It’s a dance. 

You come upon a slow driver … so you signal, change lanes, speed up, and pass.  Other drivers whiz by you.  They signal … you slow down to let them in … they merge over in front of you.  It’s a dance. 

This is what relationships are like. Relationships are a dance. 

Just as in driving a car, you are in complete control of your own emotions and reactions.  But you cannot control the other person in the relationship or what their reactions will be.  You head a certain direction relationally … yet the other person does not respond the way you were expecting.  It’s a dance … you adjust … you flow with the rhythm. 

Just like traffic slows down, backs up, and comes to a standstill … so also, relationally sometimes this happens.  It’s a dance … you adjust … you flow with the rhythm. 

Just like traffic speeds up … other drivers would like to merge in front of you … so you back off and give room to let them in.  So also, relationally the other person might like to “merge in front” … you might need to “back off” and “give some room.”  It’s a dance … you adjust … you flow with the rhythm.   

A key to having a great relationship is being able to flow with the rhythm.