Keys to Relationship – Be considerate

Keys to Relationship – Be considerate

The stretch of meadow in today’s background photo was particularly beset by mosquitoes, enormous flies, and all manner of obnoxious flying pests. 

As hubby and I hiked across this stretch (which was obviously used for camping in the past), I commented how I would not want to camp in this area.  You would have to ensconce yourself in your tent to escape the onslaught of biting pests.  Then what’s the point … you wouldn’t be able to see the incredible beauty spread out 360* all around you … for you would be confined to your little tiny tent. 

Similarly, each relationship has its own unique blend of annoying nuisances.  Each person in the relationship brings their own quirky particularities to the scene. 

If we “swat” and “slap” and “smack” at the things we perceive to be annoying nuisances in the one with whom we have a relationship, they will “retreat” from us.   They will seek escape from our presence and will ensconce their heart in a “safe” place where they will not be “stung” by our “biting” words, actions, or attitudes. 

There is so much potential for incredible relational beauty … 360* all around!  (much like the meadow in the photo is surrounded with 360* of breathtaking beauty)   But all that potential is lost if “swatting” and “slapping” and “smacking” are occurring in a relationship.  All the incredible beauty of a relationship is lost if hearts are closed off, hidden away from each other.   

The key: Be considerate. 

Thoughtful consideration does not “dance around” issues, flailing arms in frustration!  Thoughtful consideration does not respond with “stinging” remarks and “biting” retorts. 

Thoughtful consideration and open communication are the keys to developing a strong, beautiful relationship, filled with peace. 

Be considerate. 

“Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievance you may have against one another. … And over all these put on love, which bind them all together in perfect unity.”  – Colossians 3:12-14