Keys to Relationship – Attitude!

Keys to Relationship – Attitude!

Our lily in the front flowerbed is blooming!  It so beautiful … and so fragrant!  Far across the front drive, where hubby and I are working splitting logs, we catch the lily’s fragrant scent … wafting on the breeze.  Way over by the workshop, as we trot by, toting split firewood to the shed, we catch the lily’s fragrant scent … wafting on the breeze. 

Walking through the house I catch the lily’s fragrant scent … wait a minute … I’m inside … how can I smell the lily indoors?  Oh … the window is open.  In through the open window the lily’s fragrance wafts on the breeze. 

Attitude is much like a fragrance … wafting on the breeze. 

Our attitude in our relationships is much like the lily which has a strong fragrance perfuming the air all around.  Our attitude “perfumes” the “atmosphere” all around us … even radiating far out from our presence. 

Have you ever had a bag of potatoes in which one potato or two has gone bad?   The home where we used to live 4 moves ago did not have a panty.  Therefore, I stored the bag of potatoes in the kitchen, in a small space beside the cupboards.  Every now and then we would notice a foul smell … very faint.  We couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was or where it was coming from.  We would look and look and not be able to find anything. 

The foul smell would persist.  It was disturbing!  Where was it coming from!?   Eventually I would discover that a potato or two in the very bottom of the potato bag had gone bad … totally rotten and smooshy.  Nasty!   A bad attitude in a relationship is like that!  A bad attitude permeates the relationship with a foul stench! 

A bad attitude hangs heavy and oppressive in the air!  A bad attitude cannot exactly be pinpointed.  You can’t exactly have an open honest conversation with the other person about their rotten attitude because they are “acting” as if everything in the relationship is perfectly fine.  And yet … the foul stench persists. 

A key to having a great relationship is Attitude!  Watch out for attitudes that go “rotten.”  You will know when they do … the atmosphere surrounding the relationship will stink!  Search out the problem and deal with it … or it will lead to even more “potatoes in the bag going rotten.” 

Seek to have an attitude that is like the beautiful lily in the front flowerbed.  Seek to have an attitude which perfumes the air all around with a beautiful fragrance.