Keep the “Bat lights” on

Keep the “Bat lights” on

When we bought our home three years ago, the former owners (who were also the original builders of the house) informed us that there were “Bat lights” up underneath the roofing tiles.  They told us that it was very important to keep the “Bat lights” on all the time … 24/7 … in order to keep bats from nesting up underneath the roofing tiles. 

Shortly after we moved into our home, we had the opportunity to meet our next-door neighbors (to the left side).  They too had just recently purchased their house.  A few weeks after they had moved into their home, on a warm summery July 4th evening, they noticed bats flying up into their roof.  Lots of bats. 

Right away they had an inspection done, and much to their dismay, it was discovered that their entire attic was infested by hundreds of bats!!  (and why wasn’t that detail discovered when their home-inspection was done?!? – they lamented to us!) 

Our neighbors wound up having to move out of their home for a month while a construction crew completely ripped off their entire roof.  Professional pest experts were brought in to eliminate the bat infestation thoroughly and completely.  A brand-new roof was installed.  And extensive efforts were made to seal all possible cracks where bats might be able to get in. 

And so, we come back to the “Bat lights” up underneath our roofing tiles.  There are ample cracks in our concrete roofing tiles for bats to be able to get in.  The way to avoid a bat infestation is to keep lights on all the time!  24/7! 

For the past three years hubby and I have been consciously aware that the “Bat lights” were up there doing their job.  On dark winter evenings, as we would come and go, we would look up at the roof to make sure we could see the faint glimmer of light coming from underneath the roofing tiles.  Oh good!  The “Bat lights” are still on. 

This summer hubby and I figured it was high time to head up to the roof to check things out.  The background photo for today shows you the open space up on top of our roof where we can remove a panel to access the area directly underneath the roofing tiles. 

The “Bat lights” are just normal everyday lightbulbs …  just 4,  60-watt bare lightbulbs shining in this small space up at the very top, underneath the roofing tiles. 

It was a good thing hubby and I checked things out … because one of the bulbs had gone out … and a second was buzzing, about to go out. 

When it comes to our marriage, we need to be every bit as vigilant!  We need to keep “Bat lights” on in the hidden, upper corners of our minds … 24/7!     If not, an infestation might occur … an infestation of what is gross and disgusting!  There is so much inappropriate smuttiness seeking to find cracks in our mind!  

We need to keep the light of God’s truth and God’s Word shining brightly in our minds!  The dark is where the bats like to live.  So also, it is the “darkness” of our minds where sin and inappropriate smuttiness likes to move in and settle. 

It starts with just one bat … maybe two.  Then a few more join.  Then a few more.  So it is with sin and inappropriate smuttiness.  Just one compromise in our mind with inappropriate smuttiness.  Then another one.  And in no time, an infestation of disgusting smuttiness has taken over our mind! 

A bat infestation in one’s home is horrible! 

So also, a “smuttiness infestation” in the mind, and resultingly in the marriage, is horrible!  It’s absolutely horrible! 

If a “smuttiness infestation” has occurred in the mind … and resultingly in the marriage … drastic measures need to be taken!  Immediately!! 

Just like our next-door neighbors had to have their entire roof ripped off … so also the “roof” needs to be ripped off and the infestation completely exposed!  Uncover it all … expose it.  Remove it!!  Eradicate it! 

Our neighbors needed professional help in eradicating their bat infestation.  So also, it might require professional counseling and help when eradicating a “smuttiness infestation” in the mind/marriage.  There is help available! 

Our neighbors had a completely new roof rebuilt.  And extensive measures were taken to seal off any cracks.  I’m pretty sure they now have “Bat lights” going in their attic too. 

When dealing with a “smuttiness infestation” in the mind/marriage … a new “roof” needs to be rebuilt.  A new mind is needed … only Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit can rebuild a new mind. 

Extensive measures need to be taken to “seal off any cracks” in the mind.  Accountability is needed.  Accountability is needed to “seal off any cracks.” 

And God’s light needs to be present! The light of God’s Word needs to fill our minds with light!  24/7! 

Keep the “Bat lights” on!!