Just stay in the cleared path

Just stay in the cleared path

I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post about hubby and me adventuring over to the Olympic Peninsula recently.  We stayed overnight in Olympic National Park and woke up the next morning to snow … a lot of snow! 

We weren’t expecting snow.    After all, it’s April … it’s supposed to be Spring. 

But as you can see … the Olympic Mountains did not hold the same opinion. 

We were not quite sure how we were going to get back down to the main road.  We do not have a truck, or an all-wheel-drive vehicle  …  just a plain normal ordinary car. 

As you can see from this photo, the snow wasn’t exactly impassible.  But … it was a long way back down to the main road.  And, it was downhill all the way … with considerable drop-offs along the way.  Wouldn’t want to lose traction and go sliding over the edge. 

The snow was expected to continue all day.   There was nothing for it but to face our fears and head out. 

Much to our great surprise, we discovered that a one-lane path had been cleared through the snow.    We were beyond thankful! 

We stuck to the cleared path  …  heading ever downward  …  all the while praying no oncoming vehicle would appear suddenly around the corner.    After all, there was only one lane clear.    If we at all veered off the cleared path, we would for sure get stuck in the snow. 

About 2 or 3 miles before reaching the main road we caught up with the snowplow … which, as it turned out, was actually just a pickup truck with a snowplow attachment on the front.    We were so thankful for that pickup truck clearing the way down the mountain! 

This situation reminded me a lot of what life feels like right now. 

It seems like the whole world is a dumping “snowstorm” … and there’s nothing we can do about it. 

The whole world seems to be in chaos … everywhere we look there is division and fighting … morals and values have been discarded … right and wrong are up to personal interpretation … etc.  etc.  etc.    And there’s nothing we can do about any of it. 

And … we have to get up each day and head out there in it. 

We don’t feel like we have what it takes to face the “snowstorm” each day.    It seems as if everything is headed steeply “downhill.”    How do we navigate this??    How do we navigate this without losing our traction and getting stuck? … or worse, sliding over the embankment?? 

As hubby and I stayed carefully in the cleared path on our journey down to the main road, I couldn’t help thinking how that, in the same way, Jesus has “cleared a path” for us through the mess of this world. 

All we have to do is “stay in the cleared path.” 

Jesus came from Heaven to earth to clear a way through the mess of sin in this world.   All we have to do is follow Jesus!    Jesus has cleared the way for us!   

You might be asking, “How??   How do I stay in the cleared path??” 

Jesus has given us His Word – the Bible.   This is the “cleared path” …  Jesus’s instructions will be a “cleared path” by which we can maintain traction in life.    Jesus’s instructions will be safety for us, so that we don’t become “stuck” in deep drifts of political and cultural dogma.    Jesus’s instructions will be safety for us, so that we don’t “slide over the embankment.”   

Just stay in the cleared path. 

We might not be able to do anything about the “snowstorm” wreaking havoc in the world all around us.  But we can head out each day with confidence to face whatever life holds because we know Jesus has already “cleared a path” for us!