Jesus is Teacher

Jesus is Teacher

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is Teacher
Jesus came to teach us how to know God.  Jesus’s ministry was one of teaching.  Jesus is the Great Teacher!
–  Matthew 5:1-7:29
–  Luke 6:20-49
–  John 3:1-21
–  Mark 1:21-22
–  Luke 4:14-21
–  Isaiah 61:1
–  Matthew 11:5
–  John 8:2
–  Luke 4:31-32
–  Matthew 7:28-29
–  Luke 10:25-37
–  Luke 11:1-4
–  Luke 12:13-20

Jesus was filled with wisdom!  Jesus’s life and ministry were characterized by wisdom! 
–  Isaiah 11:1-4
–  Luke 2:46-47

1 Corinthians 1:24  –  “Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.”
Colossians 2:3  –   “in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

–  John 7:15
–  Matthew 22:46
–  Luke 20:39-40
–  Colossians 1:9

Jesus Christ is the one-and-only gateway to Heaven.
Any other gate is the wrong gate.