Jesus is Sustainer

Jesus is Sustainer

Who is Jesus?

Jesus Christ is the “Bread of Life.”  
–  John 6:30-35
–  Exodus 16:14-18
–  Nehemiah 9:15
–  Psalm 78:24-25

Jesus multiplied bread to feed a hungry crowd.
–  Matthew 14:13-21
–  Mark 6:30-44
–  Luke 9:10-17
–  John 6:1-13
–  Matthew 15:32-39
–  Mark 8:1-9

Jesus Christ is the “Living Water.” 
–  John 4:14
–  John 6:35b
“If anyone is thirsty let him come to Me.” – John 7:37
Jesus is the Fountain of living waters.  – Jeremiah 2:13

“The LORD is the one who sustains me.” – Psalm 54:4
“Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you.” – Psalm 55:22

Jesus Christ is the one-and-only gateway to Heaven.
Any other gate is the wrong gate.