Jesus in Zechariah

Jesus in Zechariah

The road beyond the gate is long … so long.  “Home” waits at the end of the road – beautiful and peaceful.  But the road is so long!

It had already been a long wearisome journey just to get to the gate!   For the people of Israel, their journey had taken them to Babylon, into 70 years of captivity.  Just recently permission had been granted, allowing them to return once again to their homeland.

And so, a remnant of the Jews set out to return home … a long difficult journey crossing miles of rugged terrain and fraught with peril along the way.  Weak and weary the returning remnant finally reached the gate.  Almost home! 

They had made it to the gate, but in order for home to truly be “Home” they needed to rebuild God’s Temple.  Only when the Temple was rebuilt could God’s Presence visibly be with them once again.   Only when the Temple was rebuilt could Worship be restored once again.   

Almost “Home.”  Just a little bit farther to go.

The remnant of Jews had just barely made it inside the gate when the surrounding neighbors came out of the woods on all sides and blocked the road!   Harassments were hurled!  Legal government petitions were filed, and in the end, restrictions were put in place which prevented further passage down the road.

Alas … what could they do.  So there they stopped and settled … just inside the gate. 

For 16 years they “camped out” just inside the gate.  Any thoughts of making it down the final stretch of road faded from their minds.  They became preoccupied with life.  They forgot about “Home” –  waiting for them at the end of the road. 

Haggai the prophet showed up with a message from God:  You’ve been camping out at the gate long enough!  This isn’t “Home” … you’ve still got more road left to travel.  Get up!  Get going!  Finish the journey!

And they did!  The people were stirred to action by Haggai’s motivation!  The Temple needed to be completed!  “Home” wasn’t home without God’s Temple.  The people got busy! 

But that final stretch to the “finish line” was so hard!  The people were so discouraged!  It had been such a long long journey already.  Things were terribly difficult!  Would they ever make it??

Enter onto the scene – Zechariah!    Just when discouragement was taking hold, God sent a special message of encouragement to the people, through His prophet Zechariah.

The book of Zechariah is a book of hope!  It is a message of encouragement!  Keep going!  The future at the end of the road is more fabulous than you can ever imagine!  Keep pressing forward!   “Home” is better than you could ever dream!

Both the prophets Haggai and Zechariah lived during the same time, in the same place, ministering to the same people.  God used each of them in completely different, yet specifically unique ways.

*  The prophet Haggai delivered a jolting message of motivation to get the people moving!
*  The prophet Zechariah delivered a comforting message of hope & encouragement to help the people make it “Home.”

Jesus Christ in Zechariah

–  Jesus is the “angel of the Lord – Zechariah 3:1-4
–  Jesus is the “righteous Branch – Zechariah 3:8;   Zechariah 6:12-13
–  Jesus is the King-Priest – Zechariah 6:13   (see also Hebrews 8:1-2)

–  Jesus is the cornerstone – Zechariah 10:4   (see also Ephesians 2:19-22Psalm 118:22-23;   Isaiah 28:16Romans 9:33;   Isaiah 8:14;   1 Peter 2:6-8;   Matthew 21:42Acts 4:10-12)

–  Jesus is the Good Shepherd – Zechariah 11:4-13   (see also John 10:11-14;   Isaiah 40:11;   Micah 5:4-5;   1 Peter 5:4;   Hebrews 13:20;   Revelation 7:17)

–  It was prophesied in Zechariah 9:9 that Jesus would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey. 
(This happened!  see Matthew 21:6-9;   Mark 11:1-10;   Luke 19:29-38;   John 12:13-15)

–  It was prophesied in Zechariah 11:12-13 that Jesus would be sold for 30 pieces of silver.  
(This happened!  see Matthew 27:9-10)

–  It was prophesied in Zechariah 12:10 that Jesus would be pierced. 
(This happened!  See John 19:34-37)

–  It is prophesied in Zechariah chapter 14 that Jesus is the coming Judge and righteous King. 
(see Acts 10:42-43;   2 Corinthians 5:10;   Acts 17:31;   Revelation 19:11-16)