Jesus in Philemon

Jesus in Philemon

Our gate today is a very warm welcoming gate.  It looks like we are coming home.

As humans we are well-aware that we make mistakes.  We fail.  We mess up.
Yet God offers us grace and forgiveness.

Because Jesus paid the penalty for our sin  –  God forgives us. 
Because of Jesus  –  the gateway to Heaven has been swung open wide!
Because of Jesus  –  God welcomes us into His Kingdom of Heaven!  We can come home!

But we are not at home in Heaven yet.  We are still living life here on earth.  Life is hard.  People wrong us.  People lie.  People cause pain and suffering in our lives.

The message of the book of Philemon is that since God has forgiven us, and opened the gate of welcome to us … we too should forgive others.

Forgiving others is hard!  Especially when they have cost us a lot. We see in the book of Philemon that Onesimus has robbed Philemon.  It is admitted upfront that:  “Formerly he [Onesimus] was useless to you.”  – Philemon 1:11    Clearly, Onesimus had caused great pain and suffering for Philemon.

It is clear that there is some sort of debt which Onesimus owes Philemon.  (Philemon 1:18)

To forgive someone does not mean the consequences of sinful behavior are erased.  Sinful behavior results in consequences.   It is unavoidable.  But in spite of the consequences, forgiveness can still be extended.

In the book of Philemon we see that Onesimus has turned from his sinful life.  He has repented and has become a follower of Jesus Christ.  (Philemon 1:11;  Philemon 1:13Philemon 1:16)

What does it look like to live the Christian life?   Philemon’s life is an excellent example of what it looks like to live the Christian life.

–  The Christian life is one of faith in the Lord Jesus.  – Philemon 1:5
–  The Christian life is characterized by love for others.  – Philemon 1:5
–  The Christian life is characterized by sharing the message of Jesus with others.  – Philemon 1:6
–  The Christian life is characterized by a good understanding of the hope which God has promised us, in Christ.  – Philemon 1:6
–  The Christian life is characterized by joy.  – Philemon 1:7
–  The Christian life is characterized by encouraging others.  – Philemon 1:7
–  The Christian life is characterized by hospitality.  – Philemon 1:22
–  The Christian life is characterized by prayer.  – Philemon 1:22

–  But first and foremost … the Christian life is characterized by forgiveness!  – Philemon 1:17

Jesus Christ in Philemon

Jesus is the Master who has forgiven us  –  we who are “slaves” and who have sinned, rebelled, and run away.  – Philemon 1:9Philemon 1:15-16