Jesus in Numbers

Jesus in Numbers

As we open the book of Numbers, it is time for the people of Israel to enter and settle in the special homeland God promised to give them. 

But when the people of Israel reach the special land promised specifically for them … there are already people living there!

Just like our background photo for today shows … the land has high gates!   Topped with barbed wire reinforcement!   There are signs posted:  “No Trespassing!!”   “Private Residence!!”   “No Access!!”

The land is certainly fabulous!

As our background photo for today shows, the land on the other side of the high gate adjoins a beautiful mountain river, which is fed by snowmelt from the Cascades.  A lovely outdoor sitting area can be seen down by the river.  The view from the residence must be spectacular.

But keep out!!  This is not your land!!

The thing is  …  God had promised that this land belonged to the people of Israel.  It belongs to them.   It is their land.  (Genesis 12:1-7;   Acts 7:2-7;   Genesis 13:14-17;   Genesis 15:18;   Genesis 24:6-7;   Genesis 26:2-5;   Genesis 28:10-15;   Genesis 48:21;   Genesis 50:24)

In Numbers, chapters 13-14, the people of Israel reach the border of the fabulous land.   But the people see the high gates!  The people see the barbed wire reinforcements!  The people see the scary signs and the intimidating residents who are already living there.    The people panic!   They doubt God.   They decide that God has lied to them …  this land isn’t for them after all.

In fact, the people want to turn around and go back to a life of slavery!   Craziness!!

So God says, “Fine.  If you don’t want the fabulous land, then you won’t get it.” 

God tells the people of Israel:  “This land belongs to you!  Since you don’t want it, I will give it to your children instead.  You will wander around the wilderness for 40 years until every one of you has died.  Then I will give to your children the beautiful, fabulous land which you did not want.”

For 40 long years, God faithfully provides for the people’s hunger by sending them manna from heaven … every . single . day.  This is a picture representing Jesus Christ who is the “Bread of Life.”  (John 6:35)

God faithfully provides for the people’s thirst by sending them water from a rock.  This is a picture representing Jesus Christ who is the “Living Water.”  (John 4:14;   John 6:35b;   John 7:37

When the people rebel against God … when they gripe and grumble and complain … when they sin, God disciplines them.  In Numbers 21:4-9 we see God disciplining the people for their sin, while at the same time providing a means of salvation.  God commanded Moses to make a bronze serpent and to raise it high up on a pole.  Anyone who looked to the serpent on the pole would be healed.  This is a picture representing Jesus Christ who would be lifted high on a cross for the salvation of the sin of the whole world. 

John 3:14-16 – “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of Man [Jesus] must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.  For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son [Jesus], that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”