Jesus in Malachi

Jesus in Malachi

Over the past 43 days we have been pondering the question:  What is the gateway to Heaven?  How can I get to Paradise?

This question has led us on a journey through each book of the Old Testament.

Our journey began in the book of Genesis, where our background image found us outside a gate, in briars and weeds … peering longingly through the gate at Paradise which had been lost.  Mankind had disobeyed God.  The relationship with God had been severed.  Now a barrier of sin stood in the way.

The future was foggy and unclear.  Would mankind forever be separated from God??  Would mankind forever be stranded outside the gate … with no way to get back to Paradise??

But wait!  There’s Hope! 

A promise was made!   God promised that one day a Savior would come to tear down the barrier of sin!  One day a Savior would come to restore mankind back into relationship with God!  A Savior would come to open the gateway to Paradise!

When would this promised Savior come???   

The people waited …
Time passed …
Generation followed generation …

God reached out across the barrier, in love and grace, to offer redemption and relationship.  Some chose to respond and follow God wholeheartedly.  Many chose to remain separated, and continue in their sin.

Generation after generation, humanity repeatedly made the choice to disobey God … and in turn, their disobedience repeatedly resulted in consequences! 

But God did not give up on humanity.  God kept reaching out in love and grace, offering redemption and relationship.

*  God sent messages through His prophets to instruct people how to live righteously. 

*  God sent messages through His prophets to rebuke, to correct, and to warn people.  

*  God sent messages through His prophets to motivate and stir people to action. 

*  God sent messages through His prophets to comfort and encourage people.

And so we arrive at the last book of the Old Testament … the book of Malachi.

Here, at the end of the Old Testament, we see that our background image is no different than at the beginning.  Humanity is still just as lost and wandering outside the gate … still separated from God by the barrier of sin.

Yet even still, God is patiently reaching out to people in love and grace.  Through His prophet Malachi, God calls out to the complacent and the indifferent:   People!  I love you!  Stop sinning!  Repent!  And turn to me!

“’I have loved you,’ says the LORD.”   – Malachi 1:2

“’Return to me, and I will return to you,’ says the LORD Almighty.”   – Malachi 3:7

Through Malachi, God also reiterates His promise:  A Savior is coming!  A Savior is coming who will tear down the barrier of sin!  A Savior is coming who will restore the relationship!  A Savior is coming who will open the gateway to Paradise!

Jesus Christ in Malachi

– It was prophesied in Malachi 3:1 that Jesus’s coming would be preceded by a messenger who would prepare the way.   (This happened! – see Luke 7:27Matthew 11:10Mark 1:2;   Luke 3:2-6;   Matthew 3:1-3)

– It was prophesied in Malachi 4:5-6 that the messenger who would prepare the way for Jesus’s coming, would come in the spirit of Elijah.   (This happened! – see Luke 1:16-17)

– It was prophesied in Malachi 3:1 that Jesus would come to the temple.  (This happened! – see Luke 2:21-32Matthew 21:12-14;   Mark 11:15-16Luke 19:45-48)

– It is prophesied in Malachi 3:2-5 that Jesus will one day come as a Refiner’s Fire to judge sinners.  (see Isaiah 66:16)

– It is prophesied in Malachi 4:2 that Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness, will bring healing.  (see Revelation 21:4-5Revelation 22:1-5)