Jesus in Luke

Jesus in Luke

Our background photo today shows the entrance gate to a hospital.  This particular hospital is located in a third world country in southeast Asia.

On any given morning, this very gate at this hospital is crowded with hundreds of people  … all hoping to be able to see a physician.  There are only 2 or 3 physicians who work at this hospital, therefore to meet the tremendous needs of the many sick and hurting, each physician works grueling long hours, endlessly, around-the clock.  These physicians do not work here for the status or the pay.  They work here because they care about the people.

The book of Luke was written by a physician.  Luke, a Greek physician, traveled extensively with the Apostle Paul on his missionary journeys throughout Asia Minor (see Acts chapters 16:10;  Acts 21:17;  Colossians 4:14;  2 Timothy 4:11).

As a doctor, Luke was very meticulous and detail-oriented in his writings about the life of Jesus Christ.  Additionally, because Luke was a doctor who cared deeply about people’s hurts and needs, his account features prominently the stories of people.

Luke highlights in detail Jesus’s interactions with people …
–  people who had a lot 
–  people who had nothing 
–  people who were high government officials 
–  people who were “important” religious leaders    
–  people who were “different” from the status quo
–  people who were “sinners”
–  people who were “outcasts”
–  little people – children
–  people who were imperfect 
–  people who had made mistakes 
–  people who were sick 
–  people who were dying 
–  people who were educated 
–  people who were illiterate 
–  people who were proud 
–  people who were humble
–  people who were stingy 
–  people who were generous 
–  people who were scared 
–  people who were confused

Jesus was so down-to-earth!  He was so relatable.  He met people where they were at. 

Jesus truly saw people … even the most “invisible” people. 

He cared about people!  He helped people!  He was always available.

Jesus poured wisdom into people.  His teaching was dynamic … full of interesting object lessons, and lots of down-to-earth stories people could relate to.

As we read Luke’s Gospel, we can really relate to Jesus. 

Whether Roman or Greek or Jew, it didn’t matter … Jesus cared about every person!  Whether a “somebody” or a “nobody”, it didn’t matter … Jesus cared about every single person!  Whether “good” or “bad”, it didn’t matter … Jesus cared!   Jesus loved people! 

As we read Luke’s Gospel, we can really feel how much Jesus cares about us too!  It doesn’t matter who we are or what we have done … if we have a lot or a little … Jesus cares about us!  Jesus will meet us right where we are at!   Jesus has time for us!   Jesus will help us!   Jesus loves us!

Jesus Christ in Luke

Jesus wasn’t just God … Jesus was man. 
As the Son of Man, Jesus was totally relatable.

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”   – Luke 19:10