Jesus in Judges

Jesus in Judges

In the book of Joshua we saw great success!  Tremendous victory!

God was with His people Israel in mighty power!  God was faithful to bring His people into the fabulous land He had promised to give them!

But what is up with our background photo for today??  A muddy lane, crossed by a measly gate, leading up into an overgrown hillside??   This doesn’t look at all like the paradise we spoke about yesterday.  What happened??

The people of Israel did not obey God.

Over and over God had reminded the people that He alone is God!  He is the one and only God!  Do not worship other gods!

Over and over God had reminded the people that disobedience would result in consequences!  Obedience to Him would result in blessings!

The people of Israel did not obey God … they did not take full possession of the land.  They compromised by allowing many of the former inhabitants to remain.   This compromise led to even more compromise … they began to adopt the ideas and beliefs of the people around them.  Which led to even more compromise … they started doing many of the things the people around them were doing.  And ultimately, they began to worship false gods.

The book of Judges is a sad, sad account of misery … due to disobedience and unfaithfulness.

As a result of Israel’s disobedience, the former inhabitants of the land began to wreak havoc in the lives of the people of Israel.  The people of Israel could not stop the overrunning bullies any more than the measly gate in our background photo could stop a bulldozer.

The former inhabitants of the land bulldozed right over the people of Israel.  The people of Israel found their lives reduced to a meager oppressed existence on a “muddy, overgrown hillside.” 

Disobedience results in consequences!

Judges, chapters 3-16 recounts Israel’s repeated cycle of misery:
*   The people disobey God.
*   The people are oppressed.
*   Misery!
*   The people cry out to God.
*   God sends a Judge to Deliver.
*   The people have Rest.
*   The people compromise.
*   The people disobey God.
*   Misery!
*   Etc. …

Just as the people of Israel disobeyed God, so also humanity to this day still chooses to disobey God.  Disobedience results in consequences!

When the people of Israel cried out to God in their misery, God heard and responded by sending a Judge to Deliver the people.     So also, humanity today is in misery and bondage to sin!  The different judges in the book of Judges are all representative of the ultimate Judge whom God sent to Deliver humanity from the oppression and bondage to sin  …  Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the true Judge of the living and the dead.  (1 Peter 4:5)