Jesus in Jude

Jesus in Jude

What is the Bible about?

The Bible is God revealing to humanity:
–  who God is 
–  how the world came into existence 
–  how humanity came into existence 
–  what is wrong with the world – sin!  
–  how Jesus came from Heaven to earth to solve the sin problem 
–  how humanity can be rescued from sin 
–  how humanity can be restored with God 
–  the ultimate judgment against sin which will occur at the end of time

The small book of Jude, near the end of the Bible, ties together these major themes which run throughout the entirety of the Bible:

*  God loves people!
*  God wants to recue people from sin!
*  God wants to restore people into relationship with Himself.
*  God calls people to follow Him!
*  God calls people to believe!
*  If people do not believe, they will suffer judgment for their sin! 

This is the message of the Bible.
This is the message of which the book of Jude urgently speaks:  “Contend for the faith!” – Jude 1:3

Why the urgency?  Why is it so urgently important to contend for the faith??

Because false teachers are promoting a message which is contrary to that of the Bible.

False teachers are a lot like our background gate for today … our gate is a very attractive-looking gate, leading down a lovely road which curves around a bend, out of sight.

False teachers are attractive looking.  False teachers offer a lovely-sounding message … leading down a road which curves around a bend, out of sight.  But what, exactly, is around the bend?

The book of Jude is urgent!   Do not follow false teachers!!   Do not go down that road!   Do not go around that bend!!

Destruction awaits around that bend!!
Condemnation will occur down that road!

False teachers might be attractive looking, but in actuality:
–  they are godless – Jude 1:4 
–  they are destined for condemnation! – Jude 1:4
–  they distort the message of God’s grace  – Jude 1:4
–  they deny that Jesus Christ is fully God, the only way to salvation – Jude 1:4

Do not follow false teachers!   Destruction awaits if you do!

–  example of the Egyptians who would not believe  – Jude 1:5;  see also Exodus 14:10-31
–  example of the fallen angels – Jude 1:6;  see also Revelation 12:4Revelation 12:7-9 
–  example of Sodom and Gomorrah – Jude 1:7;  see also Genesis 19:1-29  
–  example of Cain – Jude 1:11;  see also Genesis 4:3-12 
–  example of Balaam – Jude 1:11;  see also Numbers chapters 22-24
–  example of Korah’s rebellion – Jude 1:11;  see also Numbers 16:1-40

The book of Jude warns:  Judgement is coming!  Destruction awaits around that bend!
“See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of His holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”  – Jude 1:14-15

Jesus Christ in Jude

Jesus is the Judge, who will one day come back to judge the ungodly at the end of time  – Jude 1:14-15

Jesus keeps those who believe in Him and follow Him  – Jude 1:1Jude 1:24
Jesus makes us faultless  – Jude 1:24
Jesus gives us joy!  – Jude 1:24
Jesus brings us to eternal life!  – Jude 1:21
Jesus is our God and Savior!  – Jude 1:25
Jesus has all glory!  – Jude 1:25
Jesus has all majesty!  – Jude 1:25
Jesus has all power!  – Jude 1:25
Jesus has all authority!  – Jude 1:25