Jesus in John

Jesus in John

Our background photo for today was taken from a boat … and, as you can see, the gate is made from netting. 

The book of John was written by a fisherman, John, who before meeting Jesus spent his life on the water casting nets.  After meeting Jesus, John became one of Jesus’s closest disciples and followers.

John was with Jesus throughout His ministry on earth.  John was present when Jesus was arrested, he was present at the cross when Jesus was crucified.  In fact, from the cross Jesus asked John to look after and care for his mom, Mary … which John did.  (John 19:25-27)

John was one of the very first disciples to arrive at the empty tomb after Jesus had resurrected from the dead.  (John 20:1-9)  Upon seeing the tomb empty and Jesus’s burial cloths folded neatly and lying to the side … John believed!  (John 20:8)

Jesus had risen from the dead!  Jesus was indeed the promised Savior who had broken down the barrier of sin!  Jesus had opened the gateway to Heaven!  This was such Good News!!

John wanted everyone to know this Good News! 

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”   – John 3:16

Jesus is God!  Jesus has broken down the barrier of sin!  Jesus has opened up the gateway to Paradise!  Everyone needs to know this Good News!

*  All the way across the waters of the Mediterranean … to the European shores … everyone needs to know the Good News!

*  All the way across the waters of the Atlantic … and all across the Americas … everyone needs to know the Good News!

*  All the way across the waters of the Pacific … to the farthest, most remote islands of the South Pacific … everyone needs to know the Good News!

*  Throughout the icy waters of the Bering Sea … up the fjords of the North Atlantic … spread the Good News!

*  Throughout the waters of the Puget Sound … everyone must know the Good News!

Jesus is God!  Jesus has broken down the barrier of sin!  Jesus has opened up the gateway to paradise! 

Will you believe?

Jesus Christ in John  –  Jesus is God!

“These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.”   – John 20:31