Jesus in Joel

Jesus in Joel

Probably none of us have ever experienced a plague of locusts.   Most of us have never even seen locusts. 

Laura Ingalls Wilder, in her writings about growing up in the American Midwest during the late 1800’s, gives us a really good feel for what a plague of locusts is like.   (excerpted from “On The Banks Of Plum Creek,” chapter 25)

“A cloud was over the sun.  It was not like any cloud they had ever seen before.  There was no wind.  The grasses were still and the hot air did not stir, but the edge of the cloud came on across the sky faster than wind.  Then huge brown grasshoppers were hitting the ground all around.  They came thudding down like hail. 

“The cloud was hailing grasshoppers.  The cloud was grasshoppers.  Their bodies hid the sun and made darkness.  Their thin, large wings gleamed and glittered.  The rasping whirring of their wings filled the whole air. 

“Grasshoppers beat down from the sky and swarmed thick over the ground.  Their long wings were folded and their strong legs took them hopping everywhere.  The air whirred.  Millions and millions of grasshoppers were eating now.  You could hear the millions of jaws biting and chewing. 

“All over the ground was a crawling, hopping mass of grasshoppers.  They were eating all the soft, short grass.  The tall prairie grasses swayed and bent and fell.  They were eating the willow tops.  The willows’ leaves were thin and bare twigs stuck out.  Then whole branches were bare, and knobby with masses of grasshoppers.

“The green garden rows were wilting down.  The long leaves were eaten off the cornstalks, and the tassels, and the ears of young corn in their green husks fell covered with grasshoppers.  There was nothing anybody could do about it.”

The book of Joel was written in the immediate aftermath of a terrible plague of locusts.  The plague of locusts was an object lesson sent by God to warn the people!  Disobedience will result in consequences!!

God warned that if the people did not repent and turn back to Him, a dreadful army much worse than the “army” of locusts would come.  It would destroy everything … just like the locusts had done … but much worse!  Repent!  Repent and turn back to God!  (Joel 2:1-13)

The prophet Joel lived during the same time as the great prophet Elijah.  (for reference see:  1 Kings chapters 17-19).   Elijah was called by God to minister to the northern kingdom of Israel.  Elijah’s ministry in the north saw a terrible 3-year drought … sent by God to warn the people to turn back to Him.  Joel was called by God to minister to the southern kingdom of Judah.  It was during this same time that a terrible plague of locusts decimated the land of Judah … sent by God to warn the people to turn back to Him.

The message of the book of Joel is:  Repent!  Repent and turn back to God!

Our background photo today shows rich fertile farmland in the Snoqualmie Valley.   Imagine for a moment the entire scene completely covered and crawling with swarming locusts.  Imagine every blade of green grass eaten away.  Imagine the beautiful trees in the distance being completely stripped of their branches and gnawed to stubs.

Now imagine, as a result, when you show up to the grocery store to purchase food … there is none.  The shelves of Safeway are empty and bare.  The shelves of QFC are empty!  Costco is a barren vacant warehouse with empty shelves.  No food!  

The hunger!   The panic!

Can you feel for a moment the panicked desperation of society?

Nothing brings people back to God like calamity.  Sometimes disaster is the only voice which will get people’s attention.  (Psalm 119:67;   Psalm 119:71;   Psalm 119:75)

Even today, the message of Joel calls out to us:    “Return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity.”   – Joel 2:13 (Exodus 34:6;   Nehemiah 9:17;   2 Chronicles 30:9;   Psalm 145:8)

Jesus Christ in Joel

Jesus is seen in the prophecy of Joel 2:28-29:  the Holy Spirit would be poured out on people.  This happened!  In Acts 2:1-21 Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be poured out on all who follow Him.  (see also John 14:15-17, 25-26)

Jesus is seen in the prophecy of Joel 2:32:  Messiah would offer salvation to all mankind.  This happened!   (Romans 10:12-13;   John 20:31;   Acts 2:21)

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord [Jesus] will be saved.”   – Romans 10:13

Jesus is seen in the prophecy of Joel 3:12-16Jesus will one day judge all nations.  (see Revelation 14:14-20;   Revelation 19:11-16)

Jesus is seen in the prophecy of Joel 3:17-21Jesus will one day set up His eternal glorious Kingdom.  (Revelation chapters 21-22)