Jesus in James

Jesus in James

Taking a quick glance at our background photo today, one would not even question whether or not this is a gate.

However … upon taking a closer look, the question arises:  Is this really a gate??  It doesn’t appear that this gate could even clear the driveway. 

But wait … there is a hinge. 

Still, the question lingers … is this truly a working gate??
It certainly doesn’t seem like it.

The book of James asks this exact same question.  If you say you are a Christian, does your life actually do the work of a Christian??     (or in other words:  If you claim to be a “gate”, does your “gate” actually do the work of a “gate”??   Or do you just sit there and look nice?)

What good is a gate if the gate doesn’t swing open or shut?
What good is a gate if the gate doesn’t provide protection?
What good is a gate if the gate doesn’t create a boundary?

“What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?”  – James 2:14

What good is it to say you are a Christian, if your life does not actually do the work of a Christian??

The book of James is all about doing what you claim!  If you say you are a Christian, do these things characterize your life?

*   Steadfast and stable … no matter the storms of life! – James 1:2-8
*   Don’t give up or quit;  Hang in there and persevere! – James 1:12James 5:7-8James 5:10-11

*   No blaming – James 1:13-15
*   Truly Listen  – James 1:19James 5:12
*   Slow to become angry – James 1:19-20

*   No moral filth – James 1:21James 3:17
*   Attuned to the Word of God – James 1:21

*   Transformed by the Word of God – James 1:22-25James 4:7-8
*   A tongue which is under control – James 1:26James 3:1-12

*   Caring for the weak and fragile of society – James 1:27
*   Not polluted by the world – James 1:27James 4:4

*   No favoritism – James 2:1-7James 3:17
*   Considerate and loving towards others – James 2:8-12James 3:17

*   A life characterized by mercy – James 2:13James 3:17
*   Helping the needy and hurting – James 2:14-17

*   A life characterized by good deeds – James 3:13James 3:17James 4:17
*   A life characterized by humility – James 3:13James 4:6James 4:10

*   Not envious  – James 3:14
*   Not pursuing selfish ambition at the expense of others – James 3:14James 4:3James 5:1-6

*   Not boastful –James 3:14James 4:13-16
*   Not a liar – James 3:14

*   No slandering others – James 4:11
*   Peaceable – James 3:17-18James 4:1-3

*   A life which is sincere – James 3:17
*   A life characterized by prayer – James 5:13-18

*   A life characterized by sharing the message of Jesus with others – James 5:19-20

Jesus Christ in James

Jesus is the One-and-only Lawgiver and Judge, able to save and destroy – James 4:12
Jesus is the defender & vindicator of the oppressed – James 5:4
Jesus is coming back soon! – James 5:7-8
Jesus is the Judge at the door – James 5:9
Jesus is the One who heals the sick – James 5:14-15