Jesus in Ezra

Jesus in Ezra

Our background photo for today was taken in a botanical garden … one which is filled with a dazzling array of gorgeous plants showcasing vibrant blooms.  But this gate??    Where are the dazzling plants with vibrant blooms??

This gate is located along the outer edge of the botanical garden … in an area which has not been cultivated yet.  Eventually it will be planted with dazzling plants.  But right now there is a lot of work that needs to be done. 

Such is the case as we open the book of Ezra.  God’s people have just spent 70 years in captivity in the land of Babylon  (due to their disobedience and rebellion against God).  A new generation has been born and raised in captivity.  

The people are now returning back to their homeland. 

Our background photo today shows a steep rocky uphill climb to reach the gate … so also, in much the same way, the returning Jews face a “steep rocky uphill climb” to reach the “gate” of their homeland.  The journey is long and arduous (taking 5 months); and filled with peril along the way.

And just like our background photo depicts, upon finally arriving at the “gate” at the end of the “climb” … there is a lot of work to be done!  The sign on the gate reads:  “KAPU!”  Keep out!  The new inhabitants of the land don’t want the returning Jews there.   Additionally, Jerusalem is a scene of utter destruction and desolation!  So much work to be done!!

“Then the people around them set out to discourage the people of Judah and make them afraid to go on building.  They hired counselors to work against them and frustrate their plans during the entire reign of Cyrus king of Persia down to the reign of Darius king of Persia.”   – Ezra 4:4-5

The people have been given this opportunity to turn their “uphill climb” out of captivity into a beautiful new garden of hope for the future.

But there is so much work!   

Not only the physical work, of rebuilding the physical structure of the Temple … but spiritual work, of re-teaching the people the Law of God … of re-teaching the people what true worship looks like.

The people have been in a foreign land so long they don’t really know what true worship of God even looks like.  They’ve been surrounded most of their lives by Babylonian & Persian ideologies and philosophies. 

Enter onto the scene … Ezra.  

Ezra is a direct descendant of Aaron the chief priest (Ezra 7:1-5) … therefore he is a priest.  He is also a scribe.  Furthermore, God has placed within Ezra a deep desire to teach the people.  What better person could there be for such a time as this??

“Ezra was a teacher well versed in the Law of Moses, which the LORD, the God of Israel, had given.”    – Ezra 7:6

“Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.”   –Ezra 7:10

God’s call on Ezra’s life is to teach the people.  And this he does!  Ezra reminds the people that they are still God’s people, and that God has not forgotten them.  The books of 1 & 2 Chronicles (believed to be authored by Ezra)  are recorded to teach the people what true worship of God looks like.

One of the greatest intercessory prayers in the Bible is prayed by Ezra on behalf of the people (Ezra 9:5-15).   And under Ezra’s leadership a great spiritual revival occurs, as the people remove sin from their lives and turn wholeheartedly back to follow God  (Ezra 7:1-10:44).

Jesus Christ can be seen, pictured in the life of Ezra.   

*   Ezra devoted his life to the faithful teaching of God’s Law to the people.  So also, Jesus came to teach us how to know God.  Jesus’s ministry was one of teaching.  Jesus is the Great Teacher!
–  Matthew 5:1-7:29
–  John 3:1-36
–  Mark 1:21-22
–  Luke 6:20-49
–  Luke 4:14-21
–  John 8:2
–  John 14:6